
Thursday, June 11, 2009

Lyme Disease

I don't know much about it, but Josh got bitten by a tick a couple of weeks ago, and today in the same spot as the bite, I found a rash that looked "bull's eye" ish. He was acting fairly normal, though, so I thought I'd just wait and see how he did and keep an eye on it.

Came home from the jump place and gave him his sandwich, which he wolfed down, and then started making a huge mess and being very grumpy, so I just decided to put him in his room for a nap. Which he took. He slept for about 3 hrs. I decided to look up a little more about Lyme disease b/c all I really knew was that it's associated with tick bites, and there's some sort of rash.

Well, after reading the symptoms and looking at the picture of the rash in Wikipedia, I decided I should at least get it looked at, so we're on our way in a few min. to the urgent care facility down the road to get someone to look at it and tell me whether we need to have him on antibiotics for Lyme disease or not. And of course, AJ's not home. But hopefully will be tonight, just in time to not be in time. Not his fault, it's Murphy's fault! Stupid Murphy...

Anyway, I'll update more when we get home...whenever that is.