
Monday, June 1, 2009

Sam is 2 months old!!

Yay for Sam!
Some fun facts about Sam:
  • He smiles ALL the time now (except when he's upset or not in a smiling mood)
  • He'll sometimes (most of the time) sleep for a 5-6 hr. stretch at night
  • He still uses his binky, and is getting better at keeping it in his mouth
  • He went on his first two plane rides: to Houston from Charleston, and then back again. His first plane ride at 6 weeks is quite a bit earlier than Josh's (at 4 months), but he hasn't been out of the country yet (which Josh did for the first time at 5 weeks) or flown on AJ's jet (which Josh did for his first plane ride at 4 months). So we figure it evens out, right??
  • He sleeps on his tummy, but wants to play on his back
  • He LOVES his sproingy donkey, that we got for Josh, but stayed as a nursery toy. Although Josh did damage it before we put it up while it was in his room in Germany...whoops
  • He looks a TON like me when I was a baby, but has AJ's mouth, and his Nana's chin.
  • He likes to be held pretty much ALL the time!!
  • He is out of pretty much all his newborn clothing, and at least half of his 0-3 month stuff...we'll see how much he weighs at his check up tomorrow.
  • He still has hair, and I think has grown more. His eyelashes are also waaay longer than they were when he was born.
  • He still loves to watch the fish on his swing...which he's sleeping in right now, b/c I was too lazy to try to put him in his bed...oh, well.
Here are some pix from the past day or so.
This outfit is a 6 months size...scary, huh?!

So cute
He started batting at his toys on his playmat just this afternoon
Cute smiley boy!
Josh was "teaching" Sam to play with his toys. He was holding his hand and helping him bat at a couple of the toys.
Josh also wanted to play on Sam's playmat...
Silly boy!!
The 2 month photo shoot this evening. Notice the picture on the margin of the blog...same outfit as in the picture of Josh, though Sam is probably at least a month to 6 weeks older than Josh was in his picture...kept meaning to get a picture of Sam in this when he was small, but I don't think I did...I'll have to go back and check. Oh, well.
Smiling Sam at the beginning of the shoot...

...starting to get tired of it...
"OK, Mom, we're done now!!"


Caren said...

Kathy, Sam is ADORABLE! I so wish I could come see you....I'm sad that we live so far away from each other :( Maybe one day...

Ashley said...

Very cute pix, I love all the smiles! Good luck with the shots tomorrow!!!