
Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Josh pooped in the potty, and I think there's a dead *something* in my AC duct

The two are only related by timing, unless the stench in the house helped him along somehow...doubt it though.

So, exciting news first, Josh pooped in the potty today! This is the first time he's done it intentionally, and it was FANTASTIC! He got really excited, and so did I, and he got a sucker and got to call Grandmom and Grandad and tell them about it (Daddy was unavailable), so I'm hoping the uber excitement will help him remember and want to poop in the potty, not the diaper (or underwear)! I did NOT take a picture, b/c I think that's GROSS!! I know you're all thanking God for that right now!!

Now, for the stench...yeah, so on Mon. afternoon (or was it Sun??) I noticed a smell...I thought maybe we had a diaper that was stinking things up or something...but I looked everwhere and couldn't find any, so I shrugged and went on with life, thinking it would just dissapate. Well...it's still here, and it got worse, but I'm reasonably sure that it's a dead animal of some sort, and not mildew or something like that. Not a lot better right now, but it will stop smelling evventually and we can get that cleaned probably easier than if we had a mold problem. Fortunately, it's not in the boys' rooms, it's in mine. Unfortunately, it's AWFUL and is giving me a headache...I've closed the vent (as much as it'll close), and will probably get some scented candles or something to put up there to try to help things...got the fan going, but that's not really helping much. I may have to open the windows to try to air it out, just not sure if it'll work...plus it's really hot and humid outside.

If anyone has some suggestions as to how to be rid of the stench, please post them or email me. I'll update later. At least AJ's not here having to smell it!! And no, going up and trying to get it out is NOT an option!! We'll have someone come out to service our AC at some point and check for mouse sized leaks then, but at this point, the smell's already in the house, might as well just wait for it to stop in a day or so and try to air out the house in the meantime. At least that's my take on things.

1 comment:

Shannon said...

I was just telling Vin that with the new iPhone technology stuff, a Tricorder's not too far off and then you can just scan your walls to identify the organism causing probs. and deal with it accordingly. But, waiting for that technology vs. having AJ take a look-see when he gets home might be silly. You asked...