
Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Sam's Cereal Pictures

OK, can't seem to make this stop underlining...ugh, sometimes blogspot annoys me! Anyway, here's Sam's cereal pix. Enjoy!

He looks a little bit like he's smiling, but he's not. He's crying. He hated his first cereal!

I finally succeeded in getting part of a bite to stay in a little...did I mention he didn't love it?

Josh thought it was great, however!
He even tried a bite of it...he didn't seem terribly thrilled at first either...

...but when Sam wouldn't eat anymore, he wanted to finish it!
Course, he didn't, he just played with it and hammed it up for the camera, but he had fun.
A couple of nights later, we tried again, and this time I mixed it with a little juice. He DEVOURED the whole serving, and wanted another...which he also ate all of! Go Sam! He enjoyed playing with/trying to eat his paper towel bib.
Awww...isn't he the cutest! Anyway, cereal is now a nightly occurance, and he likes it and finishes it pretty much everytime. On an added note about Josh eating Sam's cereal...we went to Chick-fil-a the other night, and I brought Sam's cereal, and got Josh a kid's meal. He ate french fries and the fruit, knocked over his milk, and went to play. Then I got out Sam's food...and here came Josh running back, wanting to eat Sam's cereal! And he did, too! He kept coming back for more bites! He eventually ate most of a chicken nugget, too...my kids are weird, what can I say!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Yay for CEREAL!!! And I LOVE that bib! Gee I wonder why! Glad it's useful! Silly Josh!