
Saturday, October 3, 2009

Grandmom's Visit

My mom came to visit a couple of weeks ago for a few days. We had a lot of fun, despite the fact that I ended up getting sick while she was here.
Rachel and Sam "visiting."
Josh just loves climbing this ladder on our bookcase!
The finished track that Grandmom and Josh built together.
We had birthdays while she was here, and Josh got a dump truck that comes all apart and has a drill and bolts to put it all back together...he loves it! And he's really good at getting it all apart and back together by himself! Such a pro...he's been watching his Daddy, I guess!
Putting the bolt back in
Josh in the middle of his track set up, running his train around. Yes, that's a bandaid on his head...he bumped it, and insisted he needed one, so I decided not to make it an issue.
Playing with the ambulance that came with his emergency center.
Sam is sitting up pretty well...likes playing with stuffed animals
Diving in for more geotrax
Wow, look at this!
Just so you know, that shirt smelled like chocolate until I washed it. Not why I bought it, but a fun little bonus!
Josh helping Sam play with his penguin
Sam loved this penguin Grandmom got for him!
Josh dressed Grandmom up in his pirate stuff. She's gonna kill me for putting this pic up! (FYI, she's not just randomly holding her hand out, Josh made her hold the treasure.)
Playing Pirate
Grandmom and her grandsons!
They had so much fun with her (and so did I)!!

Thanks for coming out, Mom, and for everything you did for us while you were here! We miss you!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

LOVE his little truck with the tools! AWESOME! He must LOVE tearing that apart and putting it back together. What a great idea! Sam's penguin is so cute! "Yay for penguins," says Alex! Must be something about these 2nd kids and penguins b/c mine loves them too!