
Sunday, October 4, 2009

Sam is 6 months old!

So these pix were actually taken on the 2nd...whoops! I'd put him in the middle of his floor to play, and went back to check on him a couple of min. later, and couldn't find him!! I heard him giggling and cooing, and looked under his crib...here's what I found!
Silly boy!
Sam is:
  • rolling (obviously!)
  • getting up on hands and knees...not for long, but he does it!
  • chewing on EVERYTHING!
  • eating lunch and dinner with "real" food...fruits/veg and rice cereal. So far he's had green beans, peas, sweet potatoes, carrots, corn casserole, applesauce, oatmeal and apples, peaches, bananas, apples and blueberries, sweet potato puffs, teething cookies, apple slices (he just gnawed on them), fruit and yogurt, and I think that's about it.
  • recognizes (we think) his Daddy on the computer and talks to him
  • chews on his toes and fingers all the time
  • still uses a binky and still mostly sleeps on his tummy
  • can pinch like nothing else...it HURTS!
  • has 3 teeth, and will probably have more very soon. The third one is a top tooth, but just beside the middle...no middle top teeth yet. Go figure, my kid has to be different!
  • loves his seahorses
  • loves to chew on his bibs, clothes, burpcloths, etc. Have I mentioned he shoves everything in his mouth?
  • still has the SWEETEST smile ever!
  • is getting thicker hair
  • talks and coos a lot
  • loves his brother, and really would like to get closer to the dog!
  • has a very sweet spirit, but definitely wants what he wants when he wants it...OR ELSE!
  • is my very favorite Sam Henry in the WHOLE WORLD!


Ashley said...

Wow, go Sam! Sam is a lot more mobile than Eli. Eli will roll like once to get to something and then just moves his arms and legs like a fish out of water until he gets mad. But just like Sam he also sticks EVERYTHING in his mouth and is smiling and cooing a lot. Adorable pics!

Kathy said...

thanks ashley! josh was like eli, not a roller/mover. he wanted to be up, preferably...i mean upright, standing up. not a fan of being on his stomach. but sam is very different. it's so interesting to see who's similar and who's different!

Shannon said...

LOL! That is too funny! I do have a pic of Alex being "eaten" by our love seat so he apparently was trying a Sam maneuver when he was around Sam's age to try to get under something. Glad you found him! And got the camera to take pics! ADORABLE!