
Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Josh is a BIG BOY!

Josh had his 2 year check up today, and he's been officially proclaimed "TALL"! He also seems to be fairly healthy.

OK, here's the whole story. We're actually going to the Naval Weapons Station to see the one pediatrician there, since the ONE at the Air Force Base is not taking appointments for some reason...some personal issues, I believe. Anyway, so they sent us (after a goose chase, which I won't describe because honestly, most of you probably wouldn't care, unless you're a military dependent having to deal with Tricare, too...) to Dr. Mundo, and thank goodness they had a cancellation for today, so we didn't have to wait till October (I got yelled at a little for not calling a month before his birthday in order to have his appointment on or just after his birthday...apparently the fact that we were still in OK a month ago, and wouldn't have been able to get his appt. made then has no bearing...I still should have found a way, somehow...).
And thank goodness AJ had this morning off, so he could go with us, since it was an 0830 appt, had to be there 15 min. early, and we had NO idea where the NWS was, much less this building was on it. So we figured it out (sort of) online last night, got up EARLY (for us), dragged Josh out of bed, gave him breakfast in the car, and actually got there just about on time!

The nurse called us back, and did all his vitals/measurements, and here they are: temperature, which she took with a thermometer UNDER HIS TONGUE (sort of worked): 99.1; weight, taken by him standing on the big person scale, 14.2 Kg or 31 lbs.; height: 35 1/4 inches; head circumference: 19 in.

The doctor was very nice, and so good at listening, carrying on a conversation, and typing/asking questions all at the same time...very surprising, and very nice! Unfortunately, somehow DEERS decided at some point in our move that Josh was our second dependent with no prior records, so the dr. couldn't access his Ramstein records AT ALL, stupid government groups...anyway, that's where this talking/typing situation came in...she had to ask questions about his medical history, and ours, all over again, and basically make "new" records for him. Hopefully we can get that straightened out, so when the real number two dependent comes along this spring, they don't go, wait, don't you already have two??

Anyway, all that to say, she was very personable, friendly, knowledgable, and had worked in Europe for 17 years, so she actually knew all about Ramstein and Landstuhl, and all of that...kind of nice!

OK, on to the developmental part of the exam...apparently Josh walks on the outsides of his feet...big surprise considering AJ and I both do as well. Anyway, she also had him try to draw a straight line, which he didn't want to even try, and she said to work with him on the line, then a circle, then triangle, square, etc. Apparently he's supposed to be able to do that by now or something. Other than that, and commenting on the fact that apparently he's a fruitarian, she seemed to think he's ok. We have to check his shot records to be sure he's up to date with immunizations, but other than that, we should be good. They want to do complete physicals once a year after this, so no more monthly visits. She was also kind enough to let me know that his two-year molars are coming in...how could I not know that??? The kid is like a Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde personality when he's teething, and lately we've been seeing a LOT of Mr. Hyde...in fact, he's here right now...

So on a completely unrelated topic, we bought a bedroom set today! The wholesale store we looked at the other day, was having a sale on top of another sale, plus intrest free financing, so we decided to take advantage. We're ordering it, instead of taking the slightly beat up floor model, so it will be a couple of weeks probably, but we're very excited. It's solid hardwood, dark brown stain, sleigh style, and we're also getting the dresser/mirror, chest of drawers, and two bedside tables. It was a pretty awesome deal, and it's an Ashley set, so we know it's a good brand and solid construction. I'll take pix and post them when we get it here and all set up.

OK, better go, since Josh has gotten himself all worked up in the past 10 minutes or so.
Sorry no pix this time.


Vonda said...

I can't believe how big Josh is getting...already 2 years old! We're calling them the TERRIFIC TWOS...It seems like yesterday that he just arrived!

Shannon said...

I can vouch that Vonda is not on crack, she's just a very positive and lovely person who is definitely a role-model for applying God's grace through the "two's". I however am not and have recently found the shrill-shrieking voice my mom used to use that would curdle my blood. You know, the one I swore I'd never use because I'd be a better parent!?! Yeah right. Glad you got Josh in and guess I have my homework cut out for me because Bren can't draw a straight line, let alone a circle, triangle, etc. Wow!