
Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Sam is 7 weeks old

Sam is getting so big!! I can't believe it's already been almost 2 months! He "talks" and smiles all the time, especially with his Granddad! He's been pretty ornery about sleeping at night (or anytime we put him in a bed!), but last night I made myself stay up till he ate at about 11, then fell asleep around 1130 and I put him in his bed (successfully!) at about 12, went to sleep, and woke up about 0545 to him starting to squeak a little...he did pretty awesome! I'm hoping he does it again tonight!!

My sisters and I gave my mom a pedicure for Mother's Day, and decided we'd just try to find a time while we were all around to go get one altogether, and we were all (except Beth =+(...) able to go today...it was AMAZING!! Easily the best pedi I've ever had, with hot stone leg/foot massages, massaging chairs, hot parafin, warm towels, loofahs, and more! It was fantastic!

Anyway, I'll post pics in a couple of days hopefully when I have some time.


Shannon said...

Yay for purty feet! That sounds great. Vin and I treated ourselves to massages at the spa at out weekend retreat. He enjoyed his but I was all tense because I'd never had one before and felt creeped out by all the Hindu/Buddhist stuff and music in the place. Oh well. Maybe next time I can find a "neutral" place to get a massage or one that's Christian based and then I can relax a little. How hot were the stones? That was one of the options but I didn't want to be burned if they were too hot.

Kathy said...

the stones weren't that hot...they didn't burn me or anything. It was relaxing. I can't wait to schedule my massage that AJ's promised me!