
Friday, May 1, 2009

Sam is one month old!

OK, here's some pictures from the past few days for you. Sam turned one month old today, and it's hard to believe that much time has passed! He had a check up today, and weighs 9 lbs. 9 oz., and (according to their measurements, which I'm not convinced are totally accurate) is 21.1 in. long. That puts him in the 45th percentile for both height and weight. He's a healthy little boy, and is really starting to focus more on things...he loves to watch his fishies and faces of people. He also loves to bounce, just like his brother!
This is a little fuzzy, but I thought it was cute of Sam and his seahorse.
AJ brought this seahorse back from Spain (the BX on base there) for Sam...we all love it! It lights up and plays music and bubbly water sounds, and helps Sam sleep. That's why AJ and I like it...Josh wants to take it to his bed all the time...he likes that it glows...he picked up his octopus the other day and asked where it's light was...it doesn't, unfortunately, light up...poor Josh!

Sam and "Uncle" Kevin. He saw us going into Rolly Pollies one morning and came in and talked a little with us. We have a picture like this with him and Josh, so I really wanted one with Sam, too. Sam treated Kevin to a little "one-eyed pirate" look, which is what earned Josh the nickname "One-eyed pirate Kevin" when he was a baby, so Kevin was pretty happy that Sam does that look too. I'm pretty sure that came out as gibberish, but it's a really long story, so if you need an explanation, let me know!
Awww...big softie!
Sam is obsessed with his fishies on the swing! He loves to watch them. The other day I came downstairs after having put him in the swing, and found him in this rather uncomfortable looking position. He just had to get a better look at those fish!!
Josh with his baby. AJ and I got him this doll and gave it to him when Sam came home. He didn't have a ton of interest in it until recently, when my parents sent a little bag with two bottles and two diapers. Now he plays baby all the time...he likes to pack up his "diaper bag" with the bottles, diapers, and sometimes a chicken leg or something, and carry them around and feed and change his baby. These pictures he had decided he needed to feed his baby, and had seen me using the boppy with Sam earlier, so he picked it up to use. At least he didn't lift up his shirt and try to nurse his baby...
Loving on his baby!!
I got out the tummy time mat (Josh never used it for tummy time, he absolutely HATED tummy time!) to see what Sam thought. He mostly just didn't want to be set down anywhere, I think...wanted to be held. But this is him trying to lift up his head. He's getting pretty good at it!
One month old boy! He's lying on his brand new nite-nite crocheted for him by his Grandmom. He really loves the afghans, they seem to calm him when he's upset! Just like his brother...
Pretty blanket! Sam, in between screams...he didn't want his picture taken!
Happy Sam with his binky...
Not so happy Sam when the binky fell out...poor Sam!


Ashley said...

Happy 1 month to Sam! I can't believe our guys are a month old already. Sam looks great, such a cutie!

Shannon said...

I have that same "Fly Guy" jumper--just in the 12 mo. size and can't wait to put it on Alex. It was really hard packing up to go anywhere as he's in the middle of the 9 and 12 mo. sizes so I opted to save out most of the 12 mo. stuff from Bren and we're doing a TON of rolling of sleeves and pant-legs. Eek. As for the baby doll you encouraged me to get Bren before Alex came, once Alex had come and I had been breastfeeding for a few days, Bren handed me the baby doll, lifted up his shirt, pointed at the baby doll and said "Do?" I about died. I found the little bottle that came with the baby doll and told him to "Do" with the bottle. These kids! So funny.