
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Sam sleeps in his crib!

So last night, I gave Sam a bottle at dinner time, since I had one in the fridge that was about to go bad, and he was eating constantly yesterday (growth spurt??). The boy ate 4 oz. of milk, after nursing (probably only 1-2 oz. that time) just an hour before. So he was nice and full and had a dirty diaper and burped, and so I laid him in his crib on a blanket (yes, I know you're not supposed to do that, but the mattress was kinda cold) with his binky and afghan and he slept from just before 8 till midnight!!! It was great!! He then ate and slept till 0430 in bed with me, ate again, and then I spent an hour and a half talking/playing with him, then trying to get him to go back to sleep. He slept from 0630 till 0845 in his crib again, when I woke him up to go to RP's music (which turned into open gym, since Ms. Marka was sick)!! He probably would have slept longer even! I think he prefers his big bed to the cradle...he might have to start sleeping in there, we'll see. It was a nice schedule, though, and I feel fairly awake today as a result.

After RP's we went to McDonald's to pick up a snack...only to find out that they weren't serving lunch yet, so I ended up getting an iced mocha for me (pretty good, btw) and nothing for Josh. He wasn't too pleased, but I didn't think he really needed a snack that badly anyway. Then we went and met Sheree and Sydney and their playgroup at the park on base and played for about an hour and a half. Josh sat in a baby swing for about 30 min.!! I couldn't believe it, but I think he's tired today...he was yesterday too, and I don't think he's caught up yet. Hopefully he'll take a nap today and do better.

And in a truly ambitious manner, I'm planning for a possible walk with Sandy and Evan this afternoon after nap, and possibly an outing to Target with Sheree and Sydney this evening...we'll have to see, one or both may get nixed, depending on our moods/schedule this evening. It's nice to feel human enough to do some stuff again! I feel like we're finally not going nuts all day everyday anymore...only sometimes on most days!

OK, just felt like posting something...I'll post some pics of Josh playing in his pool soon...and of the stroller when it gets here! Can't wait, I got the email that it shipped today, so it should be pretty soon! YAY!


Caren said...

Yay for crib sleeping babies! So glad you got some rest last night! You must feel like a new woman :)

Shannon said...

Woo HOO!!! Way to go! Congrats.

The Pences said...

Natalie likes her crib better, too than anything else. Although last night was not a good sleep night for her her. Who knows...

Ashley said...

Yeah! Eli had a night like that the other night (I couldn't believe what time it was when I looked at my watch!) but the last two nights he's only been sleeping for 2-3 hours at a time. I can't wait until he starts sleeping longer!

He sleeps better in the crib too; he likes to stretch a lot and he kept hitting the bottom and sides of the bassinet, which we think woke him up. He's got plenty of room in the crib though!