
Saturday, June 27, 2009

The Jump Place

So we decided to go to the jump place before AJ left on this trip...he always has a day/morning off before leaving so we try to do something together as a family. So here are the pix.

Me after sliding down one of the bouncy castles
Josh sliding down
Me and my big boy on the Cars jump castle
AJ sliding out in his usual graceful manner from the obstacle course one
Josh in the tunnel of the obstacle course
Daddy helping Josh climb over the bars in the obstacle course...they loved this thing, they did it like 3 or 4 times in a row!
Climbing the wall of the obstacle course...Josh always had a hard time with this one...
Josh and Daddy "chasing" in the Cars castle
My hubby!
Josh jumping...he LOVES the Jump place now...it used to terrify him! He's come a long way...now he pretends his blocks, blankets, etc are the jump place and jumps on them here at home all the time!


Shannon said...

That place looks FUN! I'll have to hunt around here and try to find something similar. Now that Bren's not scared of slides, he might actually enjoy himself. Glad y'all do something fun before AJ goes on his trips. That's a GREAT idea I'll have to "borrow" when Vin gets to flying again.

Kathy said...

I also suggest taking lots of videos before he leaves, and then have them available in a folder to put them on a slideshow or something for the boys to watch...kids love to watch themselves and people they know on video...Josh asked to see the "dump pace movie" about 30 times or something...I'm going to record AJ reading books, praying, and singing songs and probably some of him doing stuff with the boys, too, to have while he's deployed. I hope it helps.

missyboynton said...

Wow, that looks like serious fun! Great pictures. Did Sam enjoy it as well???