
Saturday, July 18, 2009

Sam and Rachel's "conversation"

I videoed this at community group the other night...that's what all the background noise is. But you can hear Sam "talking" to Rachel and Rachel responding. So adorable!


The Pences said...

This is me commenting on your blog and mentioning why I don't usually comment: I often am holding one of my children. Typing one handed isn't fun for me. :) I haven't watched the video yet, though because now my children are asleep and they have very good hearing. Love the brother pics!

Shannon said...

So cute! Sam hardly let Rachel get a word in edgewise! Chatty little guy...just like his mom! teehee!

Also, I think a reason why comments are few on yours and my blog is because you basically have to have an acct. to post a comment and I know none of my family members have accts. on this thing. I set mine so anyone could post a comment, but it still requires a sign in so my mom has to post as "anonymous" so she just replies to the msgs. that go out. I just wish Blogspot would allow more than 10 email accts. for notifications to go out. erg.

Rachel L Riley said...

This is so funny! James and I must have missed this Wednesday