
Friday, July 24, 2009

Sam's new food, AJ's pain, and giant roaches...

OK, there are pix that go with this post, but there's a huge tree roach on the ceiling in the library over my desk computer, so I'm blogging on AJ's laptop in the safety of the living room!!
Sorry, folks, I'll get to it when the roach vacates my space!

So Sam got his first taste of cereal on Monday. He was not thrilled. He mostly looked at me like I was poisoning him and cried. Of course, he was also tired and possibly not really hungry...bad timing on my part I think.

On Thur. we tried again while we were eating dinner together. This time I mixed the cereal with a little apple-prune juice that I had in the fridge, and it took him till about half the serving was gone to get it, but ended up figuring out how to eat off a spoon, and really liking it! Gave him some again tonight, and it only took a few bites for him to get it figured out, and he cried when we ran out, so I gave him more. He ate it all!! And lately, anytime I eat food around him he acts like he really wants it, so I think we're not really jumping the gun too much.

I'll try to post the pix tomorrow sometime, but we've got a full day planned: shopping at the outlet mall and then AJ and I are going out in the evening. We did a date swap with some friends; tonight AJ is over at the Hill's house with Caleb and Kenzie (were put to bed by their parents before AJ got there), and tomorrow one of them will come here to watch our kids.

Oh, and AJ has sprained his back badly...we were a little worried that it was kidney stones b/c of where the pain was and how much it hurt him. However, he went to the doctor this afternoon and was told it was just a muscle sprain. They sent him home with some vitamin M (motrin, for those not acquainted w/ military medicine) and a muscle relaxer (and also some birth control! They put someone else's meds in with his! Sad...). We're hoping it will clear up soon, b/c he's really in a LOT of pain.

Anyway, hopefully I'll get some pix up tomorrow or Sun. provided this roach will leave...ick!! The little ones aren't so bad, I can squish or spray them no problem. However, the giant flying ones...esp. when they're on the ceiling or high up where they could fall on me if I try to do something about them, TOTALLY FREAK ME OUT!! I have to say, I do not understand the purpose of roaches...


The Pences said...

Oh I hear ya sister -- I leave the house when there's a big 'ol live one around. Love the date swap -- great plan! Ya'll have fun, and tell that roach to leave soon so I can see some pictures!

Shannon said...

LOL! The same thing happened to me at Ramstein...sort of. They refilled my Birth Control when I went to get my Pre-Natals when I was newly pregnant with Brennan. I didn't ask them to. Too funny. I just saved them for *after* as I didn't think it best to take both at the time. Hmm. Wonder why? What is up with military pharmacies?