
Sunday, March 29, 2009

+2 days...

...and still no signs...just so you know. We are planning to (I think) stay home today, till church tonight, and let AJ and Dad get some DIY/home improvement type projects done, and let Josh have the opportunity for a nap at least, and then go to church this evening.

My wonderful Mom got up (couldn't sleep last night, apparently) and put a brisket in the oven this morning, so we can have that for lunch today...yay!

But there's not really any news to post...nothing with Sam...like, really, nothing, not even any contractions or anything! I think if it was up to him, he'd stay in there forever! Thankfully, there are others involved, to help him make the right choice and be born by Wed!

1 comment:

The Miller Family said...

OH Kathy! I so feel your pain. We tried everything in the book when we were waiting for Mia. Baby M has been a lot more reserved than Mia, but hoping that she doesn't decide to stay any longer inside than necessary. I think I want her to come now so bad that I couldn't remember if I really had contractions in my sleep last night or if it was a dream. That is pathetic!!! Best wishes and SAM....what is the hold up???