
Monday, March 23, 2009

4 Days left...

And still no sign of Sam!

Obviously we got through our day of fun on Sat. (I have very pretty toenails now...so do Sandy and Anne-Marie!!), and yesterday (sorry, Sheree, you haven't won the "baby pool").

We went to the grocery store yesterday to be sure we have enough food for when Grandmom and Grandad (my parents) get here day after tomorrow. Then we proceeded to do not much the whole rest of the day...well, I did...a couple loads of laundry, and helped AJ finally get our swords mounted on the plaques he made for them. They look really nice!! He did a great job! And they passed the "Can Josh touch these?" test...no, he can't! Well, not without a stool, and we've been very careful to tell him not to touch, but not make too big a deal out of it, lest he decide that Mom and Dad are once again curtailing all his fun!

He also had a nap yesterday, which improved all of our outlooks, and so did I. Unfortunately, last night Josh woke up several times b/c of this stupid cough! And I slept like a top...exhausted, but kept waking up and turning over and over and over...
I can't wait till that's not hard anymore!!

Anyway, today the plan is to get a couple of small chores around the house done, and maybe go to Walmart to get some copies of the house key made, pick up the lettuce I forgot yesterday, and maybe look for something appropriate for a two week old (I really hope he's at least that old by Easter!!) for an Easter basket. I have all of Josh's stuff, but had kinda forgotten Sam would be here by then, too...it occurred to me that I need to get him a basket and a couple of things to go in it, probably...if only for fairness' sake...or photo ops!

Anyway, we'll keep you posted about any progress (or lack there-of) on Baby Sam...keep checking the blog to be updated on almost every detail in our lives currently!

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