
Sunday, March 29, 2009

+ (almost) 3 days...

...well, still no Sam, but I feel like I know the reason...Josh got really sick today...fever of 102 and throwing up and just very very icky. He was ok with Grandmom this afternoon, but this evening/tonight he only wanted Mommy. If Sam had been here already, either we'd still have been in the hospital and my parents would have had to deal with him alone and I would have felt horrible, or we'd have been home, and Sam and I would have had to stay away from him completely, so Sam wouldn't get sick! And I still would have felt horrible...not to mention just recovering from the whole giving birth thing.

So all in all, I feel like God knew that this would happen, and that's why he held Sam back, so that we could take care of Josh without worrying about Sam getting sick, too. I'm going to try to get Josh an appt. for tomorrow to check whether this is an infection, or just a stomach bug, or what, and just be sure he's ok. That way, if it is an infection, he can get on antibiotics and be on them awhile before Sam comes home, so everything's safe and healthy for Sam to come home to.

Anyway, just wanted to post that news update...Josh seems to be doing better, we've been alternating b/t Motrin and Tylenol all day, and his fever was down to 99 a few min. ago, so it's definitely working. I'm just hoping he'll go ahead and go to sleep now, and get a good night's rest, and be done throwing up!!


Brian said...

Well we hope Josh feels better! We're going to call the hospital today and see what they want us to do, Ashley's contractions have been keeping her from sleeping and they're getting pretty frequent now. She looks so uncomfortable. Hope you're feeling better!

Shannon said...

That's exactly what Brennan had 3 weeks ago and they put him on Amox. because he had a horrible cough with it. Alex ended up with it and also was put on German antibiotics--no room off base but LOVED the German doc so much beter. An ACTUAL pediatrician!!! Yay for God and His infinite Wisdom! Ashley's trying to get Baby Taylor out. They said they'd be headed in as she'd been contracting since the Sat. night. When I talked to him last night around 5, they were 10-15 mins. apart and lasting 20-25 seconds so they weren't in a rush but better to be safe than sorry. Here's hoping that she's had hers and that Sam will wait till you get Josh squared away! Love you and can't WAIT to see little Sam even if it's only in pics till I can get my grubby (now baby-lovin') hands on him. Look what you've done to me! We had 7 mo. old quadruplets in the nursery yesterday and they were so good and I just wanted to eat them up. SOOOO cute!!!

Caren said...

Seven month quadruplets, shannon? Wow! Those parents are BUSY! Kathy I'm glad you feel better about still being pregnant. I hope Josh is back to normal today, and you are able to have Sam without worrying...God knows. He has your best interest at heart....Love you!

The Pences said...

Poor Josh!
Well, you beat me. You're officially more pregnant than I've ever been! Whoo hoo -- I know that's an award you wanted to win. :) I'm glad you're able to take care of Josh; I sure hope he gets better soon!