
Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Murphy's Law

Anything that can go wrong, will go wrong!!
Well, this seems to be true in our lives today...

Let me explain...it all started when I was headed upstairs to grab Josh after he did NOT take a nap yesterday afternoon. I had spent a relaxing couple hours on the couch, eating lunch, dozing, and talking to Shannon while watching Gilmore Girls on DVD.
So I got up after saying goodbye to Shannon to go grab Josh out of his room, and on the way down the hall from the living room to the stairs, stepped in something...wet...VERY WET! I looked down, and there's a HUGE puddle in the bathroom, spilling out into the hallway and laundry room next door. Keep in mind, we have lino in the bathroom and laundry room, but wood floors in the front hall (outside the bathroom/laundry room) and carpet on the other side of the wall from those two rooms. So here's all this water, and me, a week and a half from my due date, and Josh up and crazy upstairs, and AJ's at work...at least he's not on a trip!! (Not for lack of the schedulers trying, though...different story, though.) So I called AJ as I run to turn off the water in the bathroom and grab the towels we had downstairs. He said he'd come right home (this was about 3:45 or so in the afternoon, so he was headed home soon anyway), and I started mopping up. I determined that the water was off, and that it was indeed coming from the toilet...nothing stopping it up that I could see, so at least it was mostly just water, nothing too gross to clean up. I collected first all the old towels, but that wasn't enough, so I started grabbing ALL the towels in the house, and wringing out the ones that were already soaked in the sink. Yikes! All this time, Josh is yelling for me to come get him out of his room. I called our neighbor, to see if she could loan us some old towels, and maybe watch Josh for a little bit, but couldn't get hold of her. Then AJ got home...and we kept mopping and wringing towels out...it started getting slightly better...and we put some of the wet towels in the dryer, thinking if we could get a few dry-ish, it might help us mop up, and we'd worry about getting them clean later. Then the dryer wouldn't start...so we start troubleshooting...well, AJ did, I was still mopping and wringing. He couldn't figure it out, and by this point was starting to get really annoyed. So finally I convince him to go get the book and look up what the problem could be. Turns out, we didn't have the door closed firmly enough, so it wouldn't start...stupid, stupid, stupid!
Anyway, we got that fixed, tossed half the towels in the dryer, and half in the washer, and with the one or two we have left, we start mopping again...it was almost dry, or at least there weren't huge puddles in the floor anymore, so we were starting to feel better, although AJ was stressing about the water that got under the floor boards that we couldn't soak up very well.
Then our neighbor called back, and said bring Josh over and I'll give you some towels, which by this point, wasn't exactly a huge deal, but getting Josh out of the disaster zone for awhile sounded like a good idea. So he went over there, and I collected some towels from her, and came back to find the water pretty much all cleaned up...so we finished a few more details, and I went back over to grab Josh, who didn't really want to be nice to anyone that day. (He had some "disagreements" with Sydney that afternoon...poor Sheree, thanks for dealing with my grumpy, ornery kid!!)
OK, so fast forward a couple of hours to dinner time...I just finished making our dinner, and had everything set out on the table, Josh in his chair, and AJ says..."Why is the carpet wet over here?" That's right, the stupid water seeped through the walls and onto the carpet in the next rooms!! The floors were wet all through the dining room and along the front wall and floors of the library (our front room)!! So as Josh starts eating, AJ and I go back for the now dry towels just out of the dryer, and start soaking up the water out of the carpet...and start panicking about how much this is going to cost to fix and all of that sort of thing, of course. So now AJ's ticked again, even though he'd finally calmed down some after getting the water cleaned in the other side of the house...and it was a very silent dinner...well, as silent as can be when every 10 seconds you say something like, "Josh, don't throw your chicken!", or "Noodles belong in your mouth or on your plate, not on the floor or the table!", etc...you get the picture.
He did finally eat, even a couple of bites of broccoli, which is a first, so I gave him his dessert, and then we did the clean up and go to bed act, which of course took forever, since he knew something was going on, and was stalling.
But anyway, it's now the next morning, and it looks like we've soaked up as much as we could, and that it's pretty much dry now. So hopefully the green today won't be us finding mold, but just normal St. Patty's day stuff! lol...ok, not that funny, but we're really hoping not to have to immediately be ripping up our floors/carpets and replacing them while either waiting for or dealing with a newborn.

So that's our story...it was an extremely fun day yesterday afternoon...but at least no one got hurt or anything, right? Although I think I managed to somehow bruise my hands with all of that soaking/wringing...
Anyway, have a great St. Patrick's Day, and enjoy your green irishness, everyone!

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