
Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter: Part 1

Also known as the day before Easter...
These loaded backwards, b/c I was nursing Sam when I loaded them on here, and didn't pay attention to the putting them in the other way part...so you'll just have to deal, b/c I'm not rearranging them!!

OK, here's Daddy holding a Sam and dyeing eggs at the same time...how talented is he??
Josh being silly while waiting on an egg to come out
Mommy and Josh concentrating on the very serious business of dyeing the eggs. Actually, I think I was peeling stickers off the sheet for him to stick on his egg...he did so, then promptly peeled them back off!
Josh NOT looking at nor smiling for the camera...he was refusing to have his picture taken! He's getting more "two" by the day!!
Coloring an egg...that's a crayon in his hand...this was at the beginning of the egg dyeing process before he got too grumpy.
Smiling for the camera...again, before he got grumpy.
OK, we need some explanation before the next set of pix. Sat. morning our community had an Easter fling at the park with food, a bouncy castle, the Easter bunny, and egg hunts set up for different age groups. Josh was SOO excited to hunt eggs! He did really well, too, even shared some of his eggs with Sydney, who was there, but decided she HAD to go potty right as the hunt started, and then when she came back and there were no more eggs, she was pretty upset, of course. So Josh shared...and I really mean he handed her eggs, not that we took them out of the basket for him! He's such a nice generous little boy!
Anyway, as I said, the Easter Bunny was there, and it was at the park, so there was a lot of playing and stuff, plus pix with the EB. Josh had SOOO much fun! Sam did really well, too...and was greatly admired while he was there!
Afterwards, we decided to stop at Sonic for some lunch, while I fed Sam in the car, and then headed to Target, Cost Plus World Market, and Petsmart. We had fun there, too!! Although, World Market's not where I would want to take a two year old boy by myself EVER!! There was an incident of some broken glass bottles of some exotic kind of Japanese drink, but for a miracle, it wasn't the fault of any of our group!!
Anyway, after we got home, it was so late, and Josh was so wired, we decided to just let him stay up and play, but AJ fell asleep on the couch and Sam fell asleep in his swing (for the first time! He doesn't yet love the swing...), and so there are pix of everyone but me sleeping (though Josh isn't really asleep, just resting on his blankets...). Anyway that evening after dinner is when we dyed eggs. It was a good, but very long and full day!!

So, the dog napping...no this is NOT his pillow, just happened to be on the floor, and he took the opportunity to sleep on it. It was too funny!
Josh resting on the stairs. He brought out his nite nite, and lay down...then he popped back up, said, "I need music," and pulled out his octopus out and pulled it so it was playing its music, and lay back down. So cute!
Sam sleeping
Daddy sleeping
Sam and the Easter Bunny!

Josh loved the Easter Bunny! He was following him all morning! He went and held his hands (paws???) and jumped with him at one point...VERY CUTE! He loved everything about this holiday, I must say!
There's a smile!

OK, there was this little green patch of grass, and I thought maybe we could get a couple of cute shots of the boys, so we tried...here are a couple of results...Josh NOT smiling...
Josh NOT smiling again...but holding an egg.
Look at my eggs!
"Hunting" eggs...this was for the twos and under...not too difficult, no hidden eggs, just scattered over the grass.
Waiting to go pick up eggs...he didn't want to wait!
OK, so that was Saturday...I'll post Easter pics next. There were too many to do all in one post...at least for my patience, and probably everyone else's, too!


Caren said...

Great pics! We have some of the girls I'm going to post later tonight :) We're off to NJ today!

Shannon said...

Was Josh "growling" in the first pic of him and Sam in the grass? Looked like he was going for "Incredible Hulk" or something. So funny. In the one pic of AJ holding Sam at the table, looks like he could've been nursing him himself if he only had the right equipment. He's got the "hold" down pat! LOVE the one of Gus on the pillow. Hope he's not a drooler! Great pics. Can't wait till I'm in the states and can post pics w/o mean old German DSL! Glad y'all had fun.