
Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Easter Sunday afternoon

OK, these are adorable pix of the boys mostly...my friend took some family ones of us at USC (after church service), but she hasn't sent them my way yet. So these are pretty much only the boys. Just so ya know.

Josh and Sam in their Easter outfits...I really love this one, even though you can't see either of their faces! Just love the pose...
Josh telling Sam to "SHHHH!"...he does this frequently when Sam cries!
Cheese!! Bribing a two year old with treats to smile for some pics with his baby brother seems to work for us!
Sweet big brother
Taking care of his Sam
Sam in Josh's Bunny ears...I couldn't resist!

More Sam in a basket pix
The table with our Easter dinner...notice Josh's plate is Easter bunnies, and his cup is an Easter egg (from his Easter party at Anne-Marie's house).
Pretty table
Josh waiting for us to be ready so he could eat!

And one of Josh at Sydney's house that I forgot to put on the last post...it was too cute to leave out. He'd started running towards the pond and got almost all the way there before we noticed...I don't THINK he'd have actually gone in the water, but we caught him, and this is him running back to us! SO CUTE! He looks so BOY in this picture! I love it...and him!!

OK, that's all for now. Gotta run, I hear Sam squeaking from upstairs...plus it's past my bedtime!


Caren said...

great pics! I love the easter outfits...those are adorable!

Shannon said...

Adorable!!! Love the PP spread. Hopefully what I got you will be a useful addition! LOVE the bunny ears. That's almost like an Anne Geddes pic.

The Pences said...

definitely love the first one -- the pose and colors are perfect!