
Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Sam is three weeks old today...

And AJ's been gone for almost a week of that! And we're ALL STILL ALIVE!! Some of us are slightly less sane than is usual, but at least he's going to come home to the same number of people/dogs that he left! It's been a closer call than I had thought it'd be...mostly b/c of Sam deciding that night time is for screaming/fussing, not for sleeping, and since I can't just sleep when he sleeps during the day, b/c of Josh, I have been experiencing the sleep deprivation issue that's normal with new babies, but it's a new experience...Josh was a really good sleeper and really good at going to sleep on his own, not needing me to hold him. Sam wants to be held or cuddled up next to someone in bed to sleep...not so bad if you're not also chasing a two year old boy!

Anyway, enough whining...but if anyone has any advice as to how to get Sam to sleep in his bed without me standing over it, holding his binky with one hand and rocking the cradle with the other, PLEASE post your suggestion or email it!!

OK, so I'm gonna post pix soon...hopefully today. Maybe right now, as soon as I get clothes for Josh, and breakfast for us, and then I need to feed Sam...sigh...it just never seems to end...

OK, so that's all for now...just thought I'd whine a little...thanks for reading (if you're still with me!).


The Pences said...

This is why both of my children slept in our bed for the first little chunk of their lives. They slept great that way; I at least slept a little. They never could go to sleep on their own peacefully... to this day. They have to cry. I couldn't let Joanna cry it out (remember all that weight I lost? -- Stress.) until she was 3.5 months old. After that, she slept like a dream at night. I let Natalie do it sooner (she's more easy going anyway), and we've had pretty good nights. The girls still sometimes cry at night, but mostly they fall asleep pretty easily. Naps are another thing altogether. My girls just don't nap well. It turns out also that Natalie really loves sleeping in the crib and not so much in the bassinet/pack and play. Also, my mother swears that if a baby sleeps well during the day, he'll sleep well at night. She seems to be right. So my advice is let Sam sleep anywhere he will during the day (carseat, sling, your arms, the neighbor's arms) and see if that helps calm him down for night. You can work on naps later. I felt like 6 weeks old was a turning point for Natalie. She responded to an evening routine and went down for a good chunk of nighttime sleep. It's like she was old enough to get it -- she was more than just a little creature surviving on reflexes. You can get through any kind of day if your kids will just sleep at night.

Kathy said...

Yeah, Jess, it's not the days that are bad...Sam's really a fantastic baby during the day. It's at night that he turns into crazy wanting to nurse for 5 seconds, every two min. just to help him be comforted. I don't know about you, but my boobs just aren't up to that!! I think they'd fall off! Besides which, it's not a pattern I want him to get into. No, the napping is not the issue, it's the sleeping at all at night issue...
Now to go get Josh down for his nap, despite his protests that he "not need a nap, Mommy. I OK!"