
Sunday, April 5, 2009

More Pics

Big brother and his little friend

Our New Family

Sam before he got unhooked from the matrix, poor guy.

Josh & I wiped out.

Josh didn't lose any time introducing Sam to Snoopy

Sam at the hospital right before we left.

Mama and her boys.

Granddad having fun.

One more Sam.


Caren said...

Great pics guys! What a nice looking family...thanks for sharing!

Jenny said...

Precious! I love the one of Sam'n' Josh. And you look great! And I'm glad Sam escaped from the Matrix. He's way too cute to be fodder for the machines' takeover of the world. Hope he's not secretly a Cylon...(aaack! Geekworlds collide!)

Shannon said...

Hey, the airplane outfit looks a little familiar! So cute! All cute pics but the one with the shoes makes him look like he's a baby being eaten by a big pair of white shoes. Funny camera angle and my weird mind colliding. Woozers on the "matrix". He tolerated that better than I would have, but glad they've got all those gadgets and doo-dads to monitor and check for him to be healthy. Great family pics and your husband let you get dressed and look human before he took your pics! Yay AJ. I'm still scowling over my "Mamma and her boys" pic. Grrr Vinnie for not waiting a day so I could be dressed and at least look half-way human.