
Monday, April 6, 2009

Sam's check up

We had an appt. today to get Sam's billiruben and weight checked just to make sure weight was going up, and billiruben down. Check and check...his weight today was 7 lbs. 12 oz. (Fri. it was 7 lbs. 6 oz.), and billiruben was 7.6 (was 8.6). So that was all great. He got examined, and was pronounced to be fine, except the resident wanted an official heart rate reading taken, as Sam's heartrate was a little high. So a RN came in and took his official heartrate, and it was still high...(she also let Josh listen in the stethescope to his own and Sam's heart...Josh was so excited...he told "Nurse Sue" that he loved her when we left!!). So then the resident decided they needed to do another EKG just to check everything. Poor Sam! So they hooked him up, but had some trouble getting readings. At this point, we'd been there for over 2 hours and Josh was very tired and getting grumpy and bored...but all things considered, he was a trooper and did well! So did Sam...even though we ended up going through 2 outfits during our time there...
Anyway, they sent the EKG up to Cardio and took Sam's blood pressure, and then Cardio told the resident that the EKG looked fine, and that we could go...so anyway, that was fun. It's always a dramatic production to take Sam to the dr. for a check up...

Just wanted to let you know what was going on with us. Nothing else too exciting...Josh got to go back to Rolly Pollies today and was SOO excited! He had fun playing with Ms. Marka again! I ended up sitting in another room feeding Sam while AJ played with Josh during the class, but at the end we went in, and showed Sam off to all the ladies...they've been looking forward to meeting him almost as long as us!

Ummm...ok, I think that's it...he's a great baby, but last night was a little rough...mostly b/c of me, not him. My hormones are so crazy, and with Josh, at the very beginning while my milk was still getting regulated and all that, I had crazy hormone shifts that totally messed with my body temp. regulation in a really horrible way. I woke up last night several times shivering uncontrollably, and it hurt really really bad...I've been chilly off and on all day today, and in between times I'm generally warm, sometimes sweating...not fun!! Hope all this gets done with soon!


Caren said...

Yay for post pregnancy hot flashes...not really :( Sorry you're having those...I had them after Katy. They were awful! I hope they go away soon. So glad Sam is doing well...Thanks for the update!

Shannon said...

Ugh! I'd almost forgotten about that with Bren. The hot flashes, not the chills. And when I'd breastfeed, as soon as my milk would let-down, I'd have horrid thirst and because I was exhausted and still had hormones stopping me from even having a chance to remember anything, I'd ALWAYS forget to have a bottle of water handy. A couple times, it was on the floor just below me and Bren, but I was so afraid of losing the latch, I'd suffer through rather than try to bend over and pick it up. Hope that goes away soon and so glad that Sam's doing o.k. Sorry you had to go through all that ordeal and hope it gets easier. Luv ya!