
Tuesday, November 11, 2008


So Sunday, our computer died. I mean, like it wouldn't reboot. SAD! And frustrating. Also, AJ cut his leg open with a hatchet, but it wasn't too bad. The next day AJ went to sick call and got a couple of stitches and we took the sad, dead computer to Best Buy to see if they could retrieve our files and pictures off the hard drive. Haven't heard anything from them yet, but hopefully they were able to pull our stuff off...I'm so thankful we bought our external hardrive this summer and started copying pix onto it! We've really only lost about a month's worth of pix, I guess, but included in those are our Halloween/pumpkin pix. I REALLY hope we can get them back!
Anyway, today AJ had off for Veteran's Day and he went and bought us a new desktop computer, and we're SO EXCITED to be technological and stuff again. We feel so blessed to be able to do that.
We also had a birthday party today. Our friend, Sydney, had her party today, and we went to the park, then back to her house to have lunch and play. Josh seemed to have fun, although he went through two pairs of underwear while we were there. Oh, well. He's gone at least once, maybe twice since he got up from nap, and has kept his pants dry since then, too. YAY!! Thanks to everyone for their encouraging notes and also for the advice...I really appreciate it!
I'll try to post some pix tomorrow, if I have time. I'm loving having a computer again!

1 comment:

Caren said...

Yay for new computers! We want to get one after I get a job and we get our finances in order...I hope you can get your stuff off the old computer. I miss you. :(