
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Potty Training

We started potty training today...like, for real. We've been touching on it, but not pushing it since before we moved from Germany. However, today Josh and I stayed home and I decided today was the day!

We started out by me stripping him (bottom half) and putting him in the living room on his little potty to eat breakfast. So he ate his way through 4 (frozen) waffles with syrup, and a banana, and nothing. Finally I let him get up, still naked on the bottom, and then a few minutes later, had to clean up his morning bowel movement off the floor. YUCK!!!! Nearly gave up after that, but I didn't. I knew we'd just have to do this again, so I just let him play awhile, then asked if he wanted to go sit on the potty, and he said yes, so I put him in the bathroom on the big potty, but with his little potty seat. I also gave him his juice. He had drunk already almost a full bottle of juice, so he drank the rest of that while we read a whole stack of books, then refilled it and waited...and waited...about 30-45 min. later, Daddy came home for lunch, and I took the opportunity to run upstairs to use the bathroom myself, and came back down to a celebration...Josh had finally gone! YAY! So I went and fixed him lunch, and let him sit in underwear at the coffee table while we had lunch...halfway through, he peed on the floor. ARGH!!
So I made him finish eating and couldn't wait to put him in his diaper for naptime!
However, when he woke up, we changed his poopy diaper, and then put him in the plastic underwear (I finally got smart!), and we went downstairs. I immediately put him on the potty, and we did like we did earlier, but with no results, even after Daddy came home. So eventually I just put the plastic underwear back on, and after awhile, he followed me upstairs, and I asked if he needed to go peepee and he said yes, so he sat on the potty for awhile, and then went!!!
We went and made dinner, and right before we sat down, I had AJ take him potty again, and again, he peed in the potty! Then he proceeded to EAT HIS DINNER and dessert and we went upstairs for bath. I sat him on the potty after undressing him, and he went AGAIN!! Then he took his "baf", not baba, and he let me brush his teeth and dry him off (almost) without fussing. My little baby boy is now a BIG BOY! I just hope he doesn't forget it all tomorrow.
I'll post an update tomorrow to let you know if this new knowledge/skill has made it through the night.

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