
Thursday, November 6, 2008

Potty training update

Just wanted to post an update on this morning...not fantastic news. He told me all morning that he didn't need to peepee...of course we sat on the potty a few times, anyway, but he never went. Then I got slightly distracted for a few min (on the phone), and when I decided it was time for nap, I went to put his diaper on, and he managed to slam the gate to his room on his finger (disobeying Mommy...) and I think that's when he peed in his underwear. So we didn't make it without an accident, and in fact, he never did pee in the potty this morning, but he was dry right up to the end. We'll try more after nap. He seems very tired today...kept laying on the floor and stuff...hope he's not getting sick!!

More later.

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