
Monday, November 24, 2008

Why do the cousins in our family always try to "out-drama" each other?

I mean, first Josh is born in a whole other country, then Sophia had her special moment by torturing her mother, and Josiah was born the morning of Hurricane Ike. Now it's Sam's turn, I guess.

We had an ultrasound today (GREAT pics!), but not great news. The right atrium of his heart is enlarged. This may or may not be an issue...we ended up going to the Pediatric Cardio clinic at MUSC today after our other appt. to get a second opinion, and their official statement was: "Um, we don't know." Basically they ruled out the really bad stuff they'd be able to see right now (aka, faulty valve, leaking vein/artery into that atrium) and his heart is functioning fine and seems to have all the right pieces...just that one chamber is enlarged. So it may be nothing to worry about, but they want to see how it's doing in a couple of months to see how it develops as he grows and matures. Please pray there's nothing wrong with our sweet little Sam!

Anyway, I'll put up the pix now...they're really good, and it's exciting to see how much he looks like Josh! And very cute expressions/body language!

I can't hear you!
This one looks most like Josh, I think.
146 beats per minute

OK, I can actually tell where the nose/lips are on here this time! He's changed a lot in just a month!

I can't tell if he's looking for something, or if he's just worried...
Scratching his head...deep in thought...
I'm hiding, you can't see me!
Anyway, I'll post more info as we get it, but right now the drs. don't seem horribly worried, just a little mystified, so we're trying not to worry, either. We trust God with our boys' lives and development, so it's a little easier to find peace than if we only listened to doctors! (No offense meant to doctors, just some of the ones we've talked to seem to be all doom and gloom...not the one at the cardio clinic, thank goodness, I don't think I could have handled it today!)

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