
Saturday, November 22, 2008

Rolly Pollies

On Friday midday AJ and I took Josh to Rolly Pollies, his little play gym place. He has a class there once a week, but they also have open gym times during the week, where they have the equipment open for kids to play on without the teacher leading it. I thought it would be a fun activity for Josh and AJ to do together before this trip.

Now, a little background, for those who don't know, here's some history on Josh and this place. He loves to climb and run, but has been terrified of the foam pit, jump track(like a long trampoline), and bouncy castle/slide. We've been working hard on jumping on the jump track, since that's something they do every week pretty much. We finally got him to do "No more monkeys jumping on the bed" last Monday in class a little, and so yesterday we finally got him to get up and jump starting with that, and then just on his own. He also liked chasing the ball on it! This is major progress, since before this he would run away screaming from it!! Yay Josh! Anyway, that's why there are so many pix of him on the jump track. We also took a video, but unfortunately, pregnant butterfingers here (aka, me) managed to delete it while attempting to watch it. So no video...hopefully we'll get another one someday...

Josh liked the activity on Monday which involved rings hanging on the climbing wall and you had to walk on the low balance beam and collect them...he liked to pretend he was driving the car and the ring was the steering wheel. So here he is trying to recreate it...unfortunately, no beam and this hoop was much bigger!
They have rings and a rope swing over the foam pit. AJ tried to get Josh to do it with him, but Josh was TERRIFIED, so he held on to my neck for dear life while his Daddy showed him how fun it was!
Josh on the jump track with the ball
"No, Dad, I really don't want to do this, ok?"
Josh does like the balance beam ok...as long as we're holding on really tight. He's usually ok on the lower ones, but scared on the high one...that's ok with me!
Josh and Daddy in the ring with a ball...Josh loves to climb in and out of these things!
After shoving Josh into the bouncy castle after AJ, we managed to get him down the slide...he likes the slide, but is really really scared of the actual bouncy castle.
AJ on the rope swing into the foam pit
They also have this roller coaster thing...it's a track with a little car on it, and you push off the top of it, and coast down...this is Josh's absolute favorite thing in the gym. He can push the car to the top of the track and then push off the top all by himself!

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