So here are the Yoda pix. He was so adorable, and really had a TON of fun! He loved going to houses with Sidney and knocking and saying "trick-or-treat" and then picking out his candy. Everyone really seemed to enjoy him, too. Sidney, seemed ok until she saw Josh, and then she got this look on her face that said, "I really don't know what's going on with this boy, but he's a little too weird for me. Please make him go home, Mom!" It was funny! Josh was oblivious, and talked for her at every house, and even helped her get her candy and put it in her bucket for her! Anyway, he had a blast, and we had so much fun watching him!

Yoda with his lightsaber and Elmo bucket

Sidney's still not quite sure about him...still examining him, and this was one of the later stops!

Hamming it up for the camera!

Riding in style

Posing. This disbelieving, bewildered look was on Sidney's face most of the evening

Beating up the ground with his lightsaber

Oh, hold on...technical difficulties??


AJ's got so many compliments last night! Doesn't it look awesome!!!

Before dressing, after makeup

All dressed

Let me just say, I don't know how he knew something was different, but he must have known, b/c he wouldn't take a nap at all...I tried several times, and even had given him two doses of medicine...he was completely hyper and happy until that this is a temper tantrum moment.

I love this picture. Such a cute defensive Yoda

Josh and the pumpkins on the porch

Josh had to hold his pumpkin

Carving pumpkins...he's showing his candle that goes in his pumpkin, which Mommy carved and scooped the guts out of, since he refused to touch it...he squirmed and fussed everytime he had to touch even the seeds!

However, once it was carved, cleaned up and lit, he LOVED his cyclops pumpkin...this pic is him leaning over to talk to it...and maybe try to give it a kiss, not sure.

Loving his pumpkin

Fall pictures

The one happy pic from that afternoon

Josh and his pumpkin

Helping Daddy put the pumpkins in the car

Picking out Josh's pumpkin

The guys putting the stuff in the car

Not a posed picture...Josh climbed into this pallet of pumpkins at the pumpkin patch and was gracious enough to let me get a couple of pix

Climbing in

In search of the perfect pumpkin

I want THIS one...
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