
Saturday, March 28, 2009

+ 1 day...

and still nothing! Sam's lower down today at least, but nothing else...not even any contractions, really. And don't tell me to walk, people...we walked all over downtown Charleston yesterday afternoon, and if anything, he moved the wrong direction that afternoon/evening. Today Mom and I went and hiked around downtown Summerville, and still nothing to report at this point! Just so ya know...we've also played at Rolly Pollies twice this week, and I've been still chasing Josh and stuff, so we're trying, people, really!!

However, Josh opened his geotrax train from his Nana and Grandpa today (a big brother present) and he LOVES it!!! He's been playing with it off and on all day! We stopped at Toy's R Us and picked up some track to put it on (it will run on the hard floors, but not on the carpet, and he really wanted it on the carpet. We decided to invest in a small set of track for it). He really loves it!

He also got a pots/pans set and a food set from his GG and my parents, and he's loving those as well! We're kind of doling out the presents, one a day till Sam actually makes an appearance, so we'll probably open the other one from Grandmom and Grandad tomorrow...or maybe the one from Great Mamaw! He's swimming in big brother presents!!


The Pences said...

Does he have a kitchen yet for all his food? Ours is pink and purple, but I know they actually make "boy" colored ones, too. I recommend hunting craigslist or similar if you don't have one. Joanna LOVES cooking up stuff in her kitchen, and so do boys who come over.
If we decide to get a set of trains for Joanna, we're going to go with geotrax -- have heard great things. Matt's more into her toy trains that she is these days though. It's all about baby dolls around here.
I wonder if you'll make it longer than I did -- Natalie was born at 40 weeks + 3 days. So glad your folks are there to help pass these few days. I was so glad my mom was home the last several days -- it made me feel so much calmer. Poor Mom, she kept requesting a day off, then another, then another. She was on her last day to be able to do it, and poof! Baby time!
I have so rambled in your comments...sorry.
Oh, and we got a baby trend sit n stand today. Will let you know how we like it. The test drive up the street was a success.
And now, I wish you happy labor, short like mine. :)

missyboynton said...

I would never, never comment on "ways to induce labor". I thought I was going to slug the next person who came up with some "surefire" induction technique. But when clients started making... very, uh, personal... suggestions while checking out at the front desk at the clinic, I knew it was time for me to quit working or risk homicide charges! Sam will come in his own precious time. We are praying for ya'll and rooting for the best possible delivery story!
We love ya'll!