
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

+ 4 days

Well, we've had some contractions all day, but nothing regular or painful, so I'm really not too worried. If we weren't headed in in the morning anyway, then I'd be getting really excited, but I doubt anything too exciting will happen before we have to go in anyway. But if it does, I went ahead and finished off packing/repacking the bags and making my list of last min. "throw in the car" items like my pillows and stuff.

Josh is feeling better this afternoon. This morning/last night were NOT fun with him...meltdown after meltdown and screaming hysterics...but he finally ate a little bit this afternoon after sleeping in the recliner upstairs with me for a nap this morning, and after that, and some more antibiotics, he's been acting much more "normal Josh", so we're pretty happy about that! Yay!

Other than that...we're headed in tomorrow at 0600, and as my sister gets updates tomorrow, she's promised to post them on here, so if you want to know, DON'T CALL ME! Just check on here, or if you're on the promised list, you'll get a call as there are updates available or when Sam's born! We promise not to neglect anyone on purpose or anything like that. Shannon and Caren, we're not calling when we go to the hospital unless we go in unexpectedly at this point...if you don't hear anything, assume everything's going more or less as planned, and you'll hear at some point, ok?? My cell is going to be left with my parents, NOT in my room, so if you call, you won't get me, anyway...unless it's after the baby's born, and you will surely have heard by then anyway. Just so everyone's clear on this. I will not have the phones ringing while I'm in labor this time...this time we have a choice!!

Anyway, sorry if that was a little ranting, but I just wanted to make it clear to everyone that we're not withholding information, we'll call when there's info to give, or you'll have to check the blog all day! Feel free to comment all you want on here or FB or email, and we'll get back to you when we have a chance. AJ's also promised to post updates/pix on FB and possibly on here as well, so just keep watching!


Caren said...

I am patiently waiting! I cant wait to see pictures and hear that Sam has finally arrived! Yay! I'm praying for you!

Sandy said...

You guys are in our prayers! Can't wait to meet him!!

The Pences said...

I can't believe you don't want calls in the hospital -- are you planning to be busy, or something? :) Just kidding, of course. Hopefully it will go so quickly and smoothly that you won't even have time to think about updates! Of course I'll be checking your blog every five seconds anyway. I hope Jenny is a good blogger! Hi Jenny!

Shannon said...

Oh darn and I was going to call, preferably as you were pushing and the nurse was distracted leaving you on your own for a few mins. just so you could have the same experience as when you gave birth to Josh. It wouldn't be fair to Sam that he gets your and AJ's full attention now would it? Teasing...and ducking. You're still preggers so I better watch it with those hormones and all. We love, love, LOVE you guys and will be praying for all of you and your wonderful parents while they watch a not-so-happy Josh. Poor little guy. We can't but will wait for pics of little Sam whenever y'all get a chance. Take care!