
Sunday, March 22, 2009

5 more days...

We still have no baby Sam here...well, technically he's here...he's ALWAYS here...but not able to see the world, still.

We'll see what today brings. Yesterday AJ and I dropped Josh at a friend's house and went shopping for an hour or so, and then had lunch at Moe's (local burrito chain...yum, yum, yummy!!), and then AJ dropped me off for my pedicure and girl time, and went to get Josh. We had lots of fun yesterday...it was so nice to be out without Josh!! Not that I don't love my kiddo, but sometimes I feel like we're almost as conjoined as Sam and I are at the moment!!

Anyway, while Josh didn't nap, and after he finally got up, I decided to finally do some of the items on my list...cleaned out the freezer, fridge, kitchen counters, and we hung up the sword on its special mounting board that AJ made with his new dremmel tool...it looks great...only one more to go!

But still no Sam...we'll have to see what today brings. I do need to vacuum a little, and go to the store, but otherwise, we're just kinda marking time...I don't have a lot left on my list to do!!


The Pences said...

Okay, I can't remember -- are you going to be induced if he doesn't come on/before the due date? You may have posted this, but I did not retain it. That happens, you know.

Kathy said...

nope, I have not posted that...but I have no idea when they would be inducing..I'm assuming at some point that they would induce me, but have not had that discussion with them yet. I'm assuming it will be coming up if I make it to my next appt. on friday, as that is my due date.

Ashley said...

No baby for us yet either! I'm hoping neither one of us has to be induced!

Shannon said...

I'm hoping neither one of you get induced either. Bren "induced" himself--water broke when I was only 1cm dilated and we all know how THAT went. Erg. Spicy food time! I'm talking habeneros here!