
Friday, March 13, 2009

News about Sam...

Well, there's really no news to report...I went to the dr. today, and she was very nice, but told me that nothing has changed from last week. Argh...however, I didn't expect anything since we've been trying to keep him in there this last week, b/c AJ was gone, and my parents were both away from home and wouldn't have been able to get here easily. However...They're both getting home this weekend, and AJ's here and I believe officially on "Baby Box", so we're gonna start going for long walks and jumping on the trampoline at Rolly Pollies and things like that in these next few days...I want Sam out...I don't sleep anymore, and it's really hard to do anything and I just plain want to meet him!! Plus, the sooner he's out, the less he weighs...and I'm thinking that's a good thing, at this point!! He's quite big enough!

The dr. also wanted to put me on the moniter to watch Sam's heart rate and make sure there were no contractions and good fetal movement and all that, so they hooked me up, and waited...and waited...and Sam was sleeping, so they gave me some apple juice to drink...and we waited...and waited...and then they brought in this little tool that makes a loud vibrating noise (doesn't hurt or anything, but makes a loud noise) and put it on my stomach and pressed the button...and Sam just about jumped out of my skin!!! Poor thing, it was probably equivalent to someone starting a jackhammer next to a sleeping baby...REALLY startled him!! The nurse's comment: "Whoa, you should have seen that!! He really jumped!!" Or something along those lines...anyway, after that, it only took about 10 min. to get all the movement they needed to confirm he's just fine...I could have told them that, but, no, they have to scare the kid halfway out of me...but the wrong way! Then he tried to get away from the scary noise by trying to hide in my hip...not comfortable!

I was also wearing a moniter for contractions...and while this was all going on, I sat and watched the numbers on that one tick up and down very regularly...but not very high...stupid Braxton-Hicks!! But the dr. and nurse didn't even mention them, so they must not have been anything even to comment on...sigh...

After that we went out to an Indian restaurant to get some lunch...YUMMY!!! Even Josh ate some Chicken Tikka Masala! And Naan...and some other random stuff, including the very yummy Basmati Rice...made a complete mess, but he ate! It was really cute to watch him munching on his naan! Mmmm...comfort food...I always forget just how much I really love Indian in between visits to eat it! I just wish they were closer to us!! Then we could get take out more often!!

Anyway, that's the latest...hopefully next week sometime we'll have more exciting news to post...at least that's what I'm hoping!!


The Pences said...

Isn't it funny to think you'll actually be sleeping better with a newborn than you are now? If you're anything like me, you will! I can't wait either to meet Mr. Sam. I hope you guys get to come down this way soon. I will have to survive with pics for a while -- you better post!

Vonda said...

Kathy, so glad everything is looking good with Sam! Can't wait to see pics of your little man when he arrives! I know you must be so excited!
And it's awesome that Josh loves Indian food too...he and Ella Rose would make a great pair...she loves it too!