
Thursday, March 5, 2009

Sam update

Hey everyone. Just thought I'd post a baby update. I had a Dr. appt. this morning, and it turns out that I'm 1 cm dilated, but zero effacement. Apparently this order of things is fairly normal for second babies, so there wasn't any concern about anything. However, on Sunday we had a "scare" when I realized during the church service that my unpainful contractions that I'd noticed every now and then all that day were VERY regular...coming every 5 min, but lasting only about 15-20 seconds and still not painful, just noticable. I never really had "false labor" with Josh or even very many Braxton-Hicks, so I didn't really know if these were "real" or not. But obviously, they weren't, as Sam has not made an appearance yet. After resting, drinking a lot of water, and having dinner, they tapered off. I've only had a few every now and then since, and not enough of them to count, so that's good. The reason it was so scary, honestly, was because AJ left for a trip the next evening. We were worried about him trying to get out of it if the contractions didn't stop, or having him miss Sam's birth!! Very stressful, but it worked out.

Anyway, the midwife that I saw today said that she thinks I should make it just fine till AJ gets home next week, but wouldn't make any bets on anything past that...maybe just b/c she didn't want to give us any kind of guarantee, but I'm still kinda hoping Sam's a little early, so he doesn't weigh too much...plus I'm just plain sick of being pregnant!! I'll be very happy to have him weigh around the same as Josh did when he was born...I would NOT complain about another baby under 7 lbs.!!!! But we know God has this under control, and we're trying to just wait patiently for His timing and will as to Sam's health/size/etc.

No new pix of him this time, but we have appts. made for the next two fridays, so we'll see how many more appts. we actually get to. Anyone else want to place a "bet" (no money, just an "I told you so, haha I was right" bragging right to anyone who's right or close!) on timing or weight?? Our community group is actually doing a betting pool on these!! I think that's hilarious! Anyway, I'll keep you updated with anything new that comes up...I'll even try to remember to have AJ bring the laptop to the hospital in case we can get internet there so I can post right after Sam's born! I may also see if one of my sisters or friends will post something when we call to say we're headed to the hospital. I stole that idea from Jessica, crazy devoted blogger that she is...I have to keep up!!


The Pences said...

Yes, I am a blog addict!! You'll have to remind me how big Josh was and how long your labor was. I think I remember he was born on his due date, right?
I don't want to dash your hopes or anything, but I walked around at a five for a few days, and my second kiddo was late! Hopefully that won't happen to you!!
Also, I had Braxton Hicks contractions forever, and I could totally tell the difference between those and the real thing -- just FYI, I bet you will, too.

Kathy said...

Not encouraging, Jess, not encouraging!! I really am going to go nuts if Sam doesn't get out soon! Might be slightly better once AJ gets back, though...

Josh was born on his due date, 6 lbs. 15 oz., 20" long. My labor was not quite 24 hours from the time I started counting the little not hurting contractions. From the time we went to the hospital the first time, it was about 11 hrs. Yikes, it didn't seem taht long, but that's b/c they sent me home hopped up on ambien and i don't remember much of the time b/t when I got home and when I left again for the hospital...that was about 4-5 hrs...of blurry, psycho painful in the extreme contractions that were about every 60-90 sec. and lasting 30-45 sec. I DON'T want to do that again!!

Ashley said...

Sounds like Sam is going to beat our baby out of the gate! I don't even think I've had a Braxton Hicks contraction yet, just some stretching/pulling once in awhile so I don't have much faith of our baby arriving early. I'm not to the point where I'm ready for this to be over, but I admit that it will be nice to be able to bend over again. Good luck!