
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

At the hospital

So who thought I'd be able to blog while in the hospital on pitosin, having contractions??
Not me, though I think it's kinda cool and geeky all at the same time! Not sure how much longer I'll be able to keep it up, but AJ's here and internet capable, so long as I don't need him.

Anyway, here's what's going on. Currently I have been registered, put in bed, had blood drawn, IV started, fluids started, and just a little while ago they came in and started pitosin and inserted a Foley Ball. I won't go into details, but b/c my cervix was still so long (not effaced), it's supposed to help with that. I thought it would be really painful, but it was really just slightly uncomfortable.
My contractions are probably somewhere around 3-5 min. apart, and are about a 2-3 on a pain scale of 10. They said they'll keep upping my pitosin till they get a good rhythm started on the contractions, so I don't know what that means, really...but we'll see.

OK, actually, I'm gonna post an update to this now...I just got up and had to go to the bathroom...and the Foley Ball fell out while I was in there, so they checked me again and I'm now at 4 cm, and more effaced and Sam has moved down a station, so we're moving right along here!! Sounds like maybe this little guy is gonna make an appearance today after all! YAY!

Anyway, my parents are planning to come and bring Josh, so I guess we'll see them maybe at some point...and I may get an epidural at some point, although right now the pain's not too bad, and I'm pretty excited to see things moving along, so we'll have to see when that happens.
We'll try to keep you all posted on here...one way or another!


Caren said...

Yay!!!!! I'm so excited! I'm off to do some work so I dont keep checking this thing...:)

Kathy said...

I thought I'd let y'all know...the nurse said that Sam is looking very good, and happy that the Foley ball is out...and that she doesn't need to up the pitocin dosage anymore for now...guess the contractions are doing what they're supposed to for now. We're waiting for them to tell me I'm dilated/effaced enough to break my water. AJ's trying to get a nap...he's exhausted, of course!

Carla said...

Yeah! I created an account so I can comment! We are praying for you (I'm at a Bible study so we're ALL praying for you!)Can't wait to see Sam!
Carla (Nana)

Shannon said...

AJ's exhausted? Silly boy. Glad all is going well and can't wait till he's out but know not more than you two. LOVE YOU!

Kathy said...

thanx everyone for your prayers and thoughts! We're hangin in here. Nothing too exciting here. We're just waiting for a nonbusy dr. to come check me at some point. AJ got a little rest and so did I...no epidural yet...pain's not too bad at this point. I think my parents & josh will be here soonish. Be good to see my little boy! They said he ate well this morning & seems to be doing much better today! YAY for antibiotics!!!!
Just heard a baby crying, followed a few min after by a large chorus of "Awwwwwss"! Fun to think that will be us at some point!!
Ok more later when I have more news!!

Caren said...

So excited for you guys! Praying....:)

Kathy said...

Ok another quick update. The dr broke my water and there was a ton of fluid & also a ton of meconium...just like w/ josh. After that my contractions got a lot worse and after another person came in & broke my con entration I never got it back & decided to go ahead & get an epidural. After that things got happier. They just checked me & the verdict is 5 cm & that for some reason the crazy kid is going the WRONG WAY!!!!! And now my contractins are starting to hurt again...I hope this button on here works! Josh is charming everyone here! Anyway more later.

Shannon said...

Still praying for you! Hope the epidural lasts. What wrong way is he going? Hope not upside down! Love ya so very much and here's hoping everything else goes better.

Caren said...

I hope things are going better by now...still praying!

Carla said...

Does going the wrong way mean breech? Ancillary (facing up)?