
Thursday, April 2, 2009

It's 4 am; we are all drifting in and out....why not post pics?

Josh had a great time at the hospital today. I feel really bad that Kathy's parents and Josh didn't get to meet Sam, but I am glad he's getting good rest so they can all come back tomorrow. As usual Josh is charming all the girls around here...just now he has competition from a certain little guy. This is him with our awesome nurse & med student.
Earlier this week Josh helped us out with some projects. We now have two sturdy saw horses and are prepped for finishing up a washer/dryer stand for later.
Josh got a to leaf blower (knew what it was instantly) from his grandparents. We had to go test it out. He loved it and we got the yard looking much better.
Now for more Sam.

Look at all the hair on that kid! I knew he had quite a bit, but I hadnt seen him with his little cap off yet. He's been in the room with us all night and is doing great! He took right to eating and is taking a little nap with mommy right now.
I kinda like him!

What a snuggler! He really is content and just happy to be held. Poor little guy has had a long day. He is peeking a little bit right now, just sucking on his binky and resting. We have another long day tomorrow of routine tests and his circumcision. Thankfully it looks like he'll be up for all of it...back to my folding chair for another nap. Thanks for all the prayers yall; God brought us an awesome kiddo!


Caren said...

AJ & Kathy, Sam is beautiful! I love the pics. Thanks for posting them....here's to great test results, and no screaming after the circumcision! Congratulations once again!

Caren said...

I also wanted to say that I love your hair style, Kathy. It looks great on you :)

Vonda said...

Oh he is just so precious, and Josh is looking so big! Give the boys hugs from us...can't wait to meet Sam!