
Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Live from the Hospital

Another guest blogger, today. AJ here...finally making my debut on the blogosphere.

As you have heard, our new kiddo has arrived. The stats are correct and he was born at 1613 EST on the 1st of April, 2009...SAY APRIL FOOL'S AND BE BEATEN.

The delivery went much smoother this time compared to the last adventure, but we had our share of drama. After lunch Josh and I were hanging out in the room with Kathy. She had received her epidural and was feeling pretty good. She started to progress a little (around 5cm dialated) and she started feeling things a little more. Josh was getting a little needy, so I decided to take him for a walk and find his grandparents. We went down to the cafeteria where I thought they were but didn't see them at all. I wanted to give Kathy some time to progress a little so we took a walk around the children's hospital. We looked at the paintings and fishes and then wandered out to the park. As we got to the park, I felt my phone buzz and saw it was Kathy's dad. I tried to call back but couldn't reach him. I started to head back in and put Josh on my shoulders. As we walked in the hospital I was being paged to L & D. I started running nearly mowing down some student doctors that were not moving with a sense of purpose. I got to the 5th floor saw Ellen and tossed her Josh as I ran by. I was only gone for 45 mins to an hour and she was READY (and even waiting for me) when I got back. I barely made it; everybody was dressed out and about to deliver without me. Kathy pushed for 13 mins and we had our kiddo. She did AWESOME as usual and really impressed the medical staff with how tough and calm she was.

She is doing great right now and here are the pics of our newest addition SAMUEL HENRY LEWTON:

there he is...which brings me to my final point: my kids cannot be born without me leaving for a while...sorry Kathy.


Shannon said...

Sam pulled the April Fool's himself by making you think you had a while to wonder around with Josh. That kid's already a prankster. Better watch it in years to come. LOVE the pics and wow does he look like you AJ! At least for now anyway. We still haven't decided who Alex is looking more like--just himself we suppose. Stubborn little one that he is. Love you guys and the new Lewton!

The Pences said...

He's beautiful! Congrats guys! Our kiddos are 11 1/2 weeks apart, FYI.

The Pences said...

Okay, I was nursing so I only had one hand before, hence the short comment. Now I have to tell you that I am (im)patiently waiting for more details when you get the chance. (Okay, sleep first, then blog). I want to know how the heart is and how he's eating and pooping and all that newborn fun stuff. Also, I'm very impressed with 13 minutes of pushing. Yay Kathy!

Sandy said...

He's gorgeous you guys!! Congrats!

Brian said...

If you account for the time change, Sam was born about 45 min before Eli! That's pretty good timing! Sounds like you did great, Kathy. And AJ, glad you made it back in time!

Vonda said...

YEA SAM IS HERE! Congratulations! Sam is precious...what a cutie patootie! And wow an 8 pounder? And I sure am glad A.J. you got back in time for Sam to be born. Hope y'all are all doing well!