
Saturday, April 4, 2009

Sorry, no pics...

But I wanted to post an update on us, and I don't have time to get the pix uploaded at the moment...you'll just have to wait!

Anyway, Sam is now 3 days old, and is doing well. We went back to the dr. yesterday for a check and he'd lost some more weight since being discharged Thur. night, and was having some problems peeing/pooping up to the dr.'s standards, and was a little more jaundiced, but they said to just give him a little formula to supplement till my milk came in, and to make sure he ate every 2-3 hrs., and that if he looked more yellow to us, to take him to the ER to get his billiruben tested. The resident is a really nice guy, but I think maybe slightly paranoid about Sam! Anyway, we have milk, and he proved it by pooping all in his diaper, very messily, and then, right after we finally finished cleaning that up, peeing all over himself and me...through the diaper! We were at the park... I think he's good now...no more formula supplementing unless we want to! I had to wear peepee jeans to the airport, but was so happy for him to have normal diapers, that I didn't really care that much! How's that for being a Mommy!

Anyway, we had fun at the park, and Josh had a blast. He's doing fairly well, considering the schedule we've been on and all the changes. He does seem to like Sam at times, and asks to hold him occasionally, which is SO sweet! Although he gets a really weird look on his face when he does hold him, like he can't decide whether to be happy about it or not.

He's also decided somehow that he can pretty much go potty by himself now. He goes in, puts the stool by the potty, pulls down pants/underwear (occasionally still needs help with this part), sits down, goes, wipes, pulls up his pants, flushes, then moves the stool to the sink, turns the water on (he has to boost himself up on the edge of the counter to do this), gets just a tiny squirt of soap, washes his hands, turns off the water, and then dries his hands...he just can't get the towel hung back up, b/c it's too high up for him to reach it! The first day I was home from the hospital, I took him to go potty, and he did this procedure...I almost fell in the floor in shock! He really does seem to want to be a big boy mostly! He just wants to be a big boy with a Mommy who holds him all the time!

Anyway, Sam has another check on Monday afternoon, so hopefully he'll get the all clear from the dr. on his billiruben and weight gain, and we won't have to go back till the next week sometime for the 2 week check...seems like we kind of live at the dr. office right now, but we want a healthy Sam....

OK, that's it...oh, except that the grandparents are headed back to Houston right now...sad...but we had so much fun, and were so happy they could be here, both for them to see Sam when he was born, and for Josh's sake...he really loves all his family, and talks about everyone all the time, even the members he hasn't seen in a while!
Better go, AJ's been cleaning while holding Sam and supervising Josh's dinner while I post this, so I better go help out!!


The Pences said...

Thank you for the update -- I've been clicking on your blog constantly! I do need some pictures soon... probably not as much as you need sleep though. :) Have fun, and we look forward to Sam's first visit to Houston!(We look forward to seeing all of you, just to be clear.)

Shannon said...

I'm laughing remembering the SAME exact reaction from Bren to Alex as Josh to Sam when he'd hold him. Got pics of it too. And what a BIG boy Josh is! That's great that he's not regressing and that he's actually PROgressing! Can't wait to chat with you when you're up to it. Know you're getting settled in with Sam so don't want to call (well I want desperately to but want to wait till you're ready) so give a ringy-dingy when you feel up to it.

Jenny said...

Josh is an amazing kid! His whole world just flipped, and he's still learning new things. I miss him so much! And Sam is ADORABLE!! I'm glad your milk has come in. And impressed that you made it to the park! You're such a good mommy!