
Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Our Newly Elected President

OK, I'm not sure exactly what I'm going to write here, but I feel like I want to write something, so I'm not sitting here passively watching what's going on.

Now, I voted...my husband, and, as far as I know, our families, voted. We did our part as far as being citizens. Did we do our part as Christians and prayer warriors??

I really think God is just giving our nation what they wanted. People have been crying out for change since the last election (when the same president was reelected...don't get me wrong, I'm a HUGE fan of George W.), and it just reminds me of the Israelites demanding a King, as opposed to following God as their King. God told them he didn't want that for them, but they kept demanding and complaining, so God gave them what they asked for. Maybe God's trying to teach us something????

Let me know your thoughts, please, and any additional comments, related or not to this, I would also love to see them!

I would also like to add, that Jesus told us to be respectful of our leaders...they aren't there by accident, God is in control. So I'm trying very hard to stand up for the respect of our leaders, even if I don't feel they've earned it...by being in a leadership position, they should have our respect automatically, if we are choosing to follow Christ's teaching.

OK, hope this wasn't too preachy...I try not to be that kind of person.

1 comment:

Caren said...

Kathy, I agee with you...I did my part...I voted, and the person I voted for didnt get elected. I do believe that America chose Obama, and since God allowed him to be chosen, somehow, good will come of this. We dont know what God's plans are...we just need to trust Him that everything is in His control.