
Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Better this morning...so far...

We're off to a better start...for one thing, I woke up feeling much better and more rested than yesterday. I also had some advice from my friend yesterday...(thanks, Shannon)...it was a plan I've already more or less used in the past, and thought I was still...but I get into these little funks, where I've started doing some things that I never would have done normally, but got in the habit b/c of some event, and it started a chain reaction, and for some reason, in my brain, I didn't realize what I was doing.
All that to say...I think when Josh got sick, and was sick for a good two weeks, and lost the binky on top of everything else, I felt bad, and wanted to make up for it. So I started making excuses for his behavior and letting him run things more or less. I've fallen into these little ruts before, and it takes something like yesterday for me to wake up and get out of it.
So, slightly saner (this morning, at any rate), I've decided to try to get back into my no tolerance of bad behavior policy...starting with breakfast when Josh tried to throw a tantrum over what I gave him for breakfast and what cup I put his juice in. I gave him one chance to straighten up, and when he didn't, I got him down, and told him he could go sit on the stairs (his time out spot) until he was finished with his fit and ready to come back and eat his breakfast. So he did, and after a couple of min. he came and told me he was ready for his breakfast. I told him how glad I was that he'd decided to make a good choice and obey Mommy this morning, and he was very pleased with that. Ate two bowls of cheerios/milk, and when he started playing with the last few and making a mess, he got down, but I didn't get angry, just told him that he shouldn't make a mess and made him pick up the cheerios on the table. Then we wiped him and the mess on the table (from the milk) up, and we've been doing ok since then. We'll see how things go on, but it's such a better start to the morning!
Please keep praying for me, to be able to keep my cool when dealing with his little frustrations and him not being able to do things the way or as fast as I'd like them to happen. And pray for him to have the desire to obey us...we've been harping on that phrase pretty hard lately. Anyway...thanks again, to Shannon for pulling me out of my current rut with her advice...and thanks for all who read this and are still with me! Sorry it's so long. I'll try to put up some more pics later!

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