
Friday, January 30, 2009

Washing the dog

On Wed. afternoon it was supposed to warm up, so AJ planned to wash the dog that afternoon when he got home from work. Of course, Josh wanted to help. I put on his rain poncho and rain boots, naively thinking that would keep him fairly dry. However, they were all pretty wet when they came in. Oh, and incidentally, it didn't warm up like it was supposed to...it was in the 50's probably while they were out here...and the sun was setting, so no warmth from it, either! Brrrr!!

This is a pic of Gus waiting for AJ...he does this almost every day...and there's a nasty dirty spot on this windowsill from his nasty drooly chin sitting on it all the time. But he's really cute sitting and waiting for AJ to come home from work...

A couple of videos of Josh "helping" to wash Gus...

1 comment:

missyboynton said...

Looks like fun was had by all... except possibly the dog. Dogs seem not to like this much. Also, I have noticed that a bath is extremely cold in 50 (or even 60 or 70) degree weather, but the neighbor's nasty, muddy pond? Always the perfect temperature!