
Sunday, January 4, 2009

Catch up...or is it Ketchup??

Nope, definitely catch up! I am SO behind in my posts...after Thanksgiving things just kind of got busy and I got lazier about making time to do this. However, I'm going to steal my friend Vonda's idea for catching up and post in order of stuff after Thanksgiving. Just so you know...

Starting with our Christmas tree decorating!

These are somewhat out of order, and also not really finished, but we'll have to live with that since blogspot is not letting me reorganize these pix for some reason, and also wouldn't let me add anymore...I'll add more to another post. This will get the jist across.

Josh really wanted to hang ALL his ornaments up high with Daddy on the top of the ladder...big shocker there...
He got tired halfway through...poor Josh!

This is right at the beginning

First ornament
Josh "helping" or being helped by Daddy
Drinking VERY CAREFULLY out of the big boy mug from Germany. We had eggnog and sang carols after we finished decorating the tree. It was fun, and Josh loves Jingle Bells!

The dog didn't get any eggnog

Family shot with our Christmas market mugs we collected from Germany the past few years

Another shot...

Me hanging the angel and Josh...well, helping?? Not really sure what he thought he was doing here

Putting the angel on top
Earlier...look at these cool balls, Mom...and 1.5 seconds later smashed on the carpet...that's why the vacuum is out in the background, incidentally...AJ also smashed one!

AJ eating in preparation for the decorating...and telling Gus "no, you can't eat my food!"

Mom, I'm done

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