
Thursday, January 8, 2009

Our Trip to Houston--Part 2

OK, so once more, these pix are slightly backwards, but I always forget to upload them the other way, so oh, well, read the captions.

This is about our trip to Houston, specifically our visit with AJ's parents.
We arrived Wed. with the snow, and Thursday night we did Christmas with them (see bottom pix). Then Friday afternoon we all got in the rented van (Carla's van was in the shop, and there was no way we'd all fit in Jim's car, so we decided to rent one for the weekend) and drove to Denton. Chris's (AJ's brother) graduation was the next afternoon, so we wanted to get there in time for dinner with him, and for it not to be too late for Josh...we accomplished the dinner with Chris part, and had dinner at a brewery in Louisville. It was a really fun restaurant...made much more fun if you didn't have a grumpy tired two-year-old. He wasn't too bad, though, and ate some and charmed waitresses and stuff...and then went to bed as soon as we went back to the hotel, with the rest of us not too far behind.

The next day, we got up, had a fairly leisurely breakfast at the hotel, then went to Chris's apt. for a few min. before dropping him off for the ceremony practice or whatever it was. After we dropped him off, we went and got Josh's hair cut (needed desperately, not the best cut ever, though), and stopped to get a grad balloon filled and a subway lunch for Josh to eat, then headed to the auditorium. Josh did so well, he ate his lunch, played a few min., waved his sign when Chris came in, and then settled in my lap. When Chris got his diploma, Josh revived long enough for us to all yell and scream and he waved his sign again, then went to sleep...and slept through the rest of the ceremony, including people screaming and even fog horns and stuff all around us!! He didn't wake up till I carried him out into the windy weather after it was all over!! I was very proud of him! Then we went and snacked at Chris's apt. till Kara got there after her final and we all went out for dinner again. Then we drove home...Josh greatly amused Chris and Kara, and I'm pretty sure that though neither of them are really baby people, he's charmed them completely! He really took to Chris, especially! He loves his aunts and uncles! We stopped halfway through Dallas for gas and I got Josh changed to his PJ's and he went to sleep and slept the whole way home...yay Josh!

That sums up the whole weekend pretty much...we had fun, but of course it wasn't long enough for us. We never seem to have enough time to spend places. We really enjoyed spending time with Carla and Jim and getting to see Chris and Kara, even if it wasn't for very long!!

Chris is the one walking by the older guy

Josh completely passed out on me
Josh having his lunch at the beginning of the ceremony
Chris walking off with his diploma
"Hey, I know you!"
Sleepy Josh waiting to wave his sign for Uncle Chris
The grads
Christmas presents...he got an airport set from Nana and Grandpa and loves it!
Also loves his Melmo stocking
And his firetruck
"How do I get these stupid strings off??"
A bow for Daddy...
...and a bow for Josh
Carla and Jim got this blanket from AJ's old sq. in Germany for Christmas...I think they liked it
Josh helping Nana open her gift
In front of the "Christmas Piano"--Kara forbade her parents to get a tree before she finished school and came home to help pick it out.
He love the Papason chair...used to take naps there when he was much littler

Daddy rocking Josh

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