
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sunday Afternoon--Houston Christmas Trip

I'm going to warn you, there are about 50 bazillion pictures in this post, which makes it very long. I just wanted to put that warning in the beginning...but a lot of them are cute!!

Sunday afternoon we came home after church and had a big Christmas lunch--ham, potatoes, sweet potatoes, rolls, etc. YUMMY!!

Then we tried to put Josh down for his nap, which didn't work, and then we had birthday for Missy and AJ. For some reason I don't really have pix of Missy's presents...I think the camera wasn't on at that point or something...Sorry Missy!!
But here's a whole bunch of slightly goofy ones of AJ opening his birthday presents!

My Dad really does like AJ...I promise!
He's really enjoyed his "geek" books from Jen and Aaron, too...Feinman books.
Sleepy Josh snuggling with Grandmom on the couch watching his silly Daddy!
These were our attempts to get all the cousins in a pic together...didn't work too well this year, but maybe next year will be better??? Obviously Josh is in the middle, and Sophia on his right and Josiah in the hat on his left.
Josiah's not really so much into pictures right now...
"Thanks for my AWESOME blocks, Aunt Beth!!"
The aforementioned AWESOME BLOCKS
That's Josh in front of Beth, next to Jenny, in front of her husband Aaron, who's holding Sophia, their daughter. For those who don't know.
Missy, Grinchy looking Nate, and Josiah...not sure what Nate's deal is...
Prettiest Sophia in the world!
Awww...Josiah snuggling with his Daddy
Silly Josh lying upside down to play with his new tractor
Grandad and Sophia snuggles...there's a lot of baby pix in here!!
Josh's Mommy looking at his new clothes, which he could have cared less about at the time, but he really does like his airplane shirt, Grandmom! He's picked it out to wear a few times!
AJ opening his clothes
Slightly freaky looking Josiah...should have edited that one, with the red eye thing...sorry
Feet...Jenny's in the shoes, Bethm in te red and grey stripes, me in the pink/green/white/grey stripes, and Josh in little red and white stripes.
Sitting on his big present and playing with his new tractor made Josh very happy...he needed a break from opening presents, so he sat on it!
Grandad showing Sophia the pretty shiny paper
Break's over...Josh is now attempting to put his Little People Garage together himself...
Not sure what this look is, b/c I really liked all the Willow Tree Angels I got for Christmas...Maybe I wasn't ready or something
Nate just couldn't stand it...had to put the whole garage together right then and there...he can't wait till Josiah is old enough to have toys like this!
Diaper changes were necessary...Grandmom and Grandad loving every second spent with their grandkids!!
What did Sophia get?
Yay for toys!
What? Josiah got the EXACT SAME TOY???!!! Well, maybe they won't fight over it now!
Missy showing Nate the stuff Josiah got
Jenny got a book...an awesome book! Inkdeath is the last in the Inkheart trilogy...which they made into a movie, and I'm terrified to see it...I'm sure I won't like it...Brendan Fraser as Mo??? Are you KIDDING ME???? ANyway, we'll have to see...but I totally reccommend the books, by Cornelia Funke
Aaron's "Why did the chickens cross Abbey Road" shirt...if you don't get it, shame on you!
'Nuff Said.
Mom and Dad opening their present...it was the same blanket we got for Jim and Carla, from AJ's old sq. in Germany...they really liked it, too, I think!

OK, that was Christmas with the Burchfields...maybe by the end of January we'll have finished Christmas and New Year's, what do you think???

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