
Monday, January 26, 2009

News on the Potty Training front...

Sorry, y'all...once more, no pix...but wanted to post an update on the potty training.
We had been stagnating, with Josh wearing pullups and going to the potty pretty well, but not getting any better about it. So I decided to switch him to real underwear except for nap and bed time.
I went through 3 pairs of underwear just after nap! This morning went great! We went to Rolly Pollies this morning, and he went in their potty twice, sitting on it three times in the course of the hour we were there! We came home with dry pants, and went potty at home...after which, I put him in his diaper. He got to play awhile after lunch, and came up to me with a poopy diaper just before I put him down for his nap. I changed him, put him in bed (once!!!) and he slept for about 3-3.5 hrs.!!! This is the longest (and only) nap for him in awhile...so we were really excited about that!
When he got up, we went and sat on the potty, but of course, he'd gone in his diaper during/after nap, so he didn't go. I put his same underwear back on him, and we went on as we had this morning, with me constantly asking him if he needed to go, and occasionally taking him to sit, even when he didn't wnat to. He did ok for awhile...then, just before AJ came home from work, Josh left the living room, went to the library, in the front of the house, then came back...with poop in his underwear! I was pretty disappointed, but we took care of it, while I talked with him about how we need to tell Mommy BEFORE we go poop or pee in our pants, and that was that. After AJ came home, he was playing toys, I had just taken him to sit on the potty a few min. before, and all of a sudden, he said, "Mommy, peepee in floor!" I thought he was kidding, as he's said this before, but nope, he had peed on his mat, the floor, and then on a metal cookie sheet I've given him to play magnets on...I picked him up and cleaned him up, while AJ cleaned the floor, and we had the same talk again.
Unfortunately, for those of you still actually reading this, you'll realize that's only 2 pairs of underwear gone through...yes, he peed in the last pair a little before dinner, and AJ finally got fed up, and put him in a pull up. Which he didn't wet...I think there was a tiny wet spot when I finally changed him to a diaper for bedtime after dinner and playing another hour...
So...hopefully it will get better...this is our normal pattern, however...doing really really well in the mornings, then falling apart after nap. Not sure why...but we'll keep trying.
Thanks for all the books/suggestions/prayers/encouragement from everyone. We appreciate it!

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