Anyway, this morning they were having Jesus' Birthday party in the preschool department, and parents were invited, so we decided to go and take Josh. It started with one of the teenage helpers reading the story of Jesus' birth, with a live nativity. Jenny was Mary and Sophia was Baby Jesus. Some of the preschoolers got to be the angels, shepherds, etc. I'm sorry, I didn't get pictures, but it was cute.
Then we went back to Josh's class and they made nativity pics (colored them and glued "sticks" aka popsicle sticks on the roof) and decorated sugar cookies. I had to step out for a few min. and left Beth with Josh...when I came back, he was COVERED with frosting!! He was also the only kid in the room...the others went outside to play, but Josh wanted to play with the toys!! And his Aunt Beth...
Anyway, after they were done with that hour, we were supposed to go to service to hear the special Christmas musical thing, but were needed in the nursery...there were a LOT of babies, and several were criers, so we ended up staying...I had my camera so I took some pictures! Josh apparently finally noticed we were gone about halfway through, and started fussing, so they brought him down to us in the nursery as well. So it ended up being my Dad, me, AJ, Beth, and one other volunteer who showed up. We had Josh and Sophia in there as well, so it was kind of like a Burchfield family show!! The lady working with us joked about this, and Dad offered to adopt her, so she didn't feel left out!! It was fun. Just like old times...mostly. The afternoon post is after this one...or would you say before? I posted it this morning, but had too many pix to do both together, which was my original intention. So if you haven't read it yet, you can continue to it next.

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