
Sunday, January 4, 2009


They get into everything. Everyone knows this, but there are times you learn something you thought was out of reach, no longer is, the hard way. Such as tonight...

We put Josh to bed...I put baby Vick's on him, since he's still getting over his cold and was coughing a lot, and thought it might help some. He always wants to do it himself, but I don't let him, because I'm afraid he'll get it in his eyes or mouth or something. I keep in on his dresser when he's got a cold for easy access.

Josh had gotten up once or twice, as has become normal, and I went up to put him back in bed once. After that, AJ and I were watching Star Wars and I fell asleep, since I was exhausted. Next thing I know, AJ's gone and Josh is upstairs crying and AJ's yelling about something...

So I go upstairs to find AJ finishing cleaning up Josh and various objects in his room after he's not only pulled all his toys and books off the shelves, but found a way to reach the Vick's and unscrew the lid, pull the vapor plug in thingy out of the wall, and smear that and half the other things in his room, including himself (face, hair, etc.) with the Vick's. Also including his binky...

So he's freaking out, since he's exhausted and in trouble for all these things he's done that he knew he wasn't allowed to do, and crying hysterically while AJ is trying to clean up and is understandably angry with him. I sat down and calmed him down eventually, and started wiping him down (again, I'm pretty sure AJ had already done it at least once, but that stuff is GREASY!!). Then AJ came back in and discovered that Josh also had it all over his binky, so he took that away, since that's dangerous, and decided that he couldn't have it back. Not sure if this is the decision I would have come to, but I respect his decisions and I backed him up. And we were planning to put all the binkies away later this week, after he was over this cold...

But all I could think of was that this was the last little bit of baby I had left of him, and I wasn't ready to do it tonight, especially with such a negative situation surrounding it. I hated to think that Josh would have that memory of his last time with his binky and I wanted him to be prepared and ready and for me to be ready...seems like whenever we wean him off something, it's all of a sudden, and I'm NEVER ready!! Same with nursing him...it was a sudden thing, and there wasn't a lot of choice for me in the matter. Not that it wasn't a good decision, it was, and I know we'll get over this and I'm probably making a much bigger deal out of this than I should, but I just wasn't ready, and wanted him to be happy and healthy and all before we took his security away from him.

OK, I also would like to clarify that while I have these thoughts, I 100% back up my husband in his decision...we do things together, and we don't go behind the other's back to give in to Josh (at least not knowingly) or argue about things like that, unless they're a dangerous situation for Josh. That's how we parent, and I agree with him. But I'm still sad...

Anyway, that's the story of tonight...lesson: never leave anything anywhere he might be able to reach when left alone for more than 2 minutes, if you don't want him to be able to get into it. I guess he's gonna need another bath in the morning...the kid stinks of Vick's sooo bad...and his hair is all greasy and stuff. OK, all done whining about this. I guess we're done with binkies...

I did have to sing him to sleep pretty much, because he was slightly hysterical after we put him back to bed...it was very sad to see him be almost asleep and then sit up to look for his binky. Then he'd remember and lay back down...sometimes he put his fingers in his mouth for a min or so and suck on them, but it just wasn't right, so he'd take them back out and toss and turn for another min. or two. But he did finally fall asleep, so hopefully this will be ok. I'd say I'll just give him back his bink tomorrow and take it back when we're ready after he's all well (I don't think AJ meant he was taking them away forever, just for tonight...), but we've done the first night without it tonight, and I don't really want to mess that up, either. So I guess we'll pack up the binkies tomorrow. Why do I plan anything...??? I should know better by now.


Shugart Family said...

It is always so hard to let go of the "baby" stuff...2 years I think is the hardest for EVERYONE b/c so much changes and the child is just as scared as we are to grow up :)...We have had the vix get all over before too and it is NOOO fun!! Hayden was my binky baby and it was HARD to break him, he did not sleep his first night :(...Still now at age 7, he sucks in his sleep lol (lips moving and you can hear it very loudly, drives my husband crazy lol)

Shannon said...

Yeah so I'll be doing that on the 19th as I've told Bren the Paci Fairy already called and scheduled the pick-up and there's nothing Mommy can do about it. Thing is, I'm thinking about making it mutual for Bren AND Alex because I want all pacifier JUNK out of my HOUSE!!! I really think it and Bren's sour stomach till he was 14 mos. old interfered with his talking and don't want the same for Alex. Alex will be 3 days away from 6 mos. and shouldn't care too much since he does suck his fingers if he needs. I love my husband and know he's firm about most things, but know too that he might have some "guilt" about being gone for 2 mos. even though it's not his choice and that he might cave so it's best to do with just one of us having to suffer through it. I'll be praying for you and keep me in your prayers too. Hope your stomach is done spinning.

The Pences said...

Oh, no! I hate to think about all that slimy stuff everywhere -- what a mess. I know what you mean about letting go of the baby things, especially when you're not ready! Even though this was more sudden than you were planning, it sounds like perfect timing. My love to your family. And post some pics, woman!